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My eyes fluttered open slowly and was greeted by the bright light. I pushed myself up with all my strength and managed to sit up.

I realized I was sitting on a hospital bed. I noticed all these wired hooked up to me. I don't remember being sent here and began to panic.

"Jordan!" I yelled. "Jordan, where are you? I'm scared, why am I here!"

I saw Zack sprinting into my room. He leaned down and pulled me in a hug. He squeezed me tightly never letting me go.

"Will! You're are okay! I'm so glad to see you awake again!" Zack smiled.

"I-I don't understand. Why am I here? Where's Jordan?" I began to panic. "Zack! Where is he?" I screamed.

"Will, calm down! Jordan isn't here. He doesn't even know you, or does he? I thought you were always scared to be with him or near him." Zack was confused. "Wait, do you not remember why you were sent here?"

I began to shake my head no. "I don't remember anything besides lying down with Jordan. I confessed everything to him."

"Will, I'm sorry. I'm not trying to break anything, but that is.. fake. You have been in the hospital for two months. You tried to overdose on pills and commit suicide." He mumbled looking down.

I stared at him, terrified."I-I did what? What influenced me to do this? This has to be fake! I would have remembered and know why I'm here. Is this a sick joke? Where's Jordan? I just want to see him! Please!" I began to start crying.

"Will, I'm sorry. He was never here in the first place. He was the one who encouraged you to kill yourself, actually. You ran into him in the hall and he spilt some kind of liquid on himself. I think it was his coffee and it burn him. Seems like he was having a bad day and you chose the wrong day to do it. He pretty much yelled at you saying to kill yourself. You took it by heart and considered doing it." Zack pressed his lips together, looking down at his shoes. "I don't know what happened when you were in that coma, but none of your imagination was real. I'm so sorry."

A tear slipped down from my lower lash. I closed my eyes and thought about the times when I was happy.

"I'm calling you princess for now." Jordan said to me. He had the widest grin plastered on his face. I smiled back at him and he began to play with my hair.

My mind began to drift off to a different memory. One memory that effected me so much.

"Long story short, Jordan is in love with you." Liam said.

I replayed those words over and over and over again my mind. It seems like it's been forever since I have started to replay the words. Those words terrified me in a way, but mostly made me so happy. I didn't know if he wanted to be in love with me.

I began to think about when I confessed everything to Jordan. About my self-harm and my love towards him. This was something I wanted to get off my chest. Looks like it really wasn't off of my chest. Just off of my chest, in my mind.

I then remembered the last words Jordan said to me in my mind,"William King, you are my love and forever will."

Jordan never loved me. This was all fake. I had hope he would have fallen for me and actually loved me. His kisses, affection, and love was all fake. Just imagination in my mind that will never happen. He was all just a dream.

"He was only mine in my dreams."

welcome to the end of the book! it was pretty short & you didn't think the ending would be this, did you? :^)

couldn't end it off happy. I'm sorry, ahaha. well, hope you enjoyed the book while it lasted! It was pretty damn fun to write. anyway, I'm having a new fanfic written called "hello?" & "missing." hello will be a kiani fanfic and missing is bell. :)

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