chapter 1

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Hey everyone soo this is my very first fanfic so if I do terrible please tell me and I will try to make it all better. I really don't expect anyone to read this but if you do just know that I am so happy someone is. Oookay I shall let you read <33xx

Percy 's pov 

I saw him walking along the streets of Italy alone, looking like his perfect self, against the old, run-down, brick book store that he seemed so interested in. Of course he was perfect in that angel type way, with his raven-black hair that fit his face perfectly and pale skin in perfect contrast together. But, whenever I saw him the thing that always intrigued me was his perfect dark brow eyes. How they have never seen any real pain, unlike me. (just go along with it) And how they sparkle when the sun or the stars hit them. just perfect.

While he looked at the book store I couldn't help myself to stare and wonder what went through his head. Then all of a sudden he looked my way and I couldn't stop myself from hiding so he couldn't see. But I knew he saw me because when he look over he had this look that I couldn't recognize. Then I looked into the window and realized that I could see where I was standing watching him.

All of a sudden I was pulled back to reality when he started to walk up to where I was and I just sort of stayed playing different scenarios in my head of what would happen, then I remembered I was a demon and he was an angel. He should fear me not the other way around. So I made sure to stand my ground.

I put on my best intimidating look and waited for the worst to happen.

When he was close enough to hear me I said, "Hello there little angel," When I said that he looked surprised but that didn't stop him from talking to me.

"Hello. I couldn't help but notice you watching me while I was looking for books." He says suspiciously, and a little wary I noticed.

I should have been expecting that but I was a bit... occupied. "Um...I was watching you my pure little angel." I told him while I stroked his face with the back of my hand. His face flushed of all color when I did that. "Your so adorable when you get nervous." I paused "Why are you so nervous anyway?"

"I-I'm not." oh feisty. "I was just caught off guard." He tells me matter-of-factly.

"Oh really what if I told you that I was about to do this-" I leaned into him our foreheads touching. I could feel his breath ghosting over my lips. Then, I pulled away to see he was as red as a tomato. So naturally I started laughing.

"Stop laughing at me!! That was not funny at all!!....SHUT UP!!"

Trying to stifle my laughter I said, "Whoa feisty pants, just having some fun." Then, I thought of something, "So your an angel, do you know what I am?"

I am so going to enjoy telling him this

Nico's pov Oh yeah pov change in the middle of the chapter. BOOM!!

That shocked me a lot. I mean a lot. He knows I'm an angel. I hope he doesn't know who my father is. But I never stopped and thought about what he was. He certainly isn't an angel. He's too dark and mysterious like a-

"Your a demon, right?"

"Why yes I am. But one thing, there are different kinds of demons, I am an Incubus. Do you know what kind of demon that is?"

"T-That's that's a... yes I know what that is."

"Okay so you know what I can do?"

"Y-y-yeah" stop stuttering.

"So adorable, my little angel. But that is expected since..."  he shakes his head as if to get rid of the thought. When he said that my heart flutters. But, what he said after that  worries me just a bit. Maybe he knows.

"Since.." my voice was a little shaky due to the fact that I didn't know what he meant and I thought he knew my secret.

"Never mind...." While he says that he sits down right at the base of the  tree then he starts to softly chuckle and it makes me feel lighter. "Are you going to vsit? Or just watch me and stand?"

At that point I feel beyond stupid for just watching him and I sit down across from him because he is still a demon and angels aren't even ever supposed to meet them or even be near them. But for some odd reason I still sat down. Oh father will have my head for this. Once I think that I'm back on my feet ready to leave.

"Whoa little angel, calm down I don't bite." I take it that amused him because he looks like he is trying to hold back his laughter.

"I know, but your a demon and I am an angel. We can't be seen together. If we are seen who knows what my father will say. Oh this is terrible father is going to hate me if he finds out." At that point I have to stop pacing and turn around to face him, so I can yell at him. "How come you are so OK with this! I could be degraded. I could get my wings taken away. I could be disowned. I could be r-"

"Ok, I get it your not ok with this. I just wanted to say hi and get to know my little angle." he called me his little angel isn't that- wait he also interrupted me.

"You interrupted me. That is a very rude thing to do you know. I mean I don't know h-" I got cut off again, but this time from his light hearted chuckle. "Why are you laughing at me?"

"I'm just laughing because you get distracted very easily. And, I was wondering," he had his hand on my face and our bodies were almost touching. I wanted to run and get back home, but I also really wanted to know what he was wondering. "would you get distracted even more by me doing this." then, he started to lean in like he was going to kiss me and I just melted. But right before his lips could meet mine, I heard my name being yelled and I instantly looked to the spot where the noise was coming from. Of course it just had to be the one an only Jason calling me.

"NICO NICO WHERE ARE YOU! YOUR DAD IS LOOKING FOR YOU....and I of course had to look for you. COME ON NICO. WHERE ARE YOU. I know your here somewhere." Sometimes Jason is so stupid.

"I'm sorry that's my friend Jason. I better go..." I turned around to yell to Jason that I was coming, then I started to walk away but something grabbed my arm and turned me around.

"Can I see you again?" I only hesitantly nodded after looking in the direction of my confused friend Jason. "Great. See you tomorrow." he said that with a smirk. I wonder what he has planned.

Guardian Angel (percico/pernico) HIATUS Where stories live. Discover now