chapter 2

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OMG I am so sorry I haven't done this for more than a week. Oops. But any ways...Yay!!! Thank you guys for reading and voting. You guys are the best. xD <333 I honestly believed no one would read it, let alone vote on it. Thank you.

Ok I shall stop now and let you read on......One last Thank you. <<3333 ;)

starting off with Nico's pov (fun huh....ok I'll stop now)

"JASON!" I yelled so he could hear me, after I turned and was already pretty far away from....I don't even know his name yet. I'll have to ask him later....I mean tomorrow.

After Jason turned around his eyes widened and he rushed over to me. "Oh Nico, are you hurt? Are you ok? Oh, your dad will kill me if your not ok. Tell me your ok!"

"Jason I'm fine! Stop shaking me! Thank you. Now why are you here calling out my name like a madman?" I asked after calming him down. I really regret asking that since his face automatically darkened and became worried. "....Jason?"

", hehe so um, your dad is sort of looking for you." I was about to talk but then Jason kept talking, "and he didn't exactly look happy." I started to worry when he said my father wasn't happy, and he was looking for me. What if he knows I was just talking to a demon and almost sat down with him....And am meeting him AGAIN tomorrow.

"OK. I'm ready to go see my father. Are you? I mean we could just stay here an-"

"nope I'm good. we should really get you to your dad. And I really don't like being here I like it better at home in heaven." He cut me off. I'll let it slip this once because it's really funny how nervous he is in the human world.

*******************************************************************************************************"Son," He didn't sound that happy. This isn't going to end up very good for me. "Where have you been? It has been more than a few hours like you said. The ambassadors are here. Are you ready to meet them? before you do meet them, you better get changed into something nice." He started to turn away before saying, "And comb your hair too."
"Okay father, see you and the ambassadors in less than 30min." So I told Jason he could wait for me at the gates, later. After he left I went upstairs to get ready.
When I got into my room I started the shower and got in. Before I did that I magically hid my wings, of course, so they wouldn't get ruined. Then before I knew it I was turning off the water and wrapping myself in a towel so I could get dressed into appropriate clothes to meet these ambassadors. I decided to dress in a white V-neck with my favorite white jeans and some white converse . Then I made sure to put my wings up so father wouldn't get mad. Before I started to walk towards the door I remembered what my father had said and I quickly brushed my fingers through my hair. That should be good enough. If it's not then I don't know what he will do. Then I began my accent down the long golden staircase that always was like a mystery to me because of all of the some-what cloud type things surrounding it.
Then, as I came closer to the room where I was to meet these new people I heard one certain voice that made me stop in my tracks.

Could it be him? Could it really? He wouldn't be here. Would he? Did he even know if I lived here or not.

Oh no! What if he knows that I live here! That I'm the son of Hades. That would be terrible. He probably would never even look at me again. Wait....why would he be here? There's nothing he could want here.

By the time I was about ready to panic, I came up to the solid gold door where everyone would be sitting and talking.
I stopped outside of the door and wondered what would happen if he really was here or not. Part of me wished he was here and the other really didn't. I mean of course I would want him here, just from the time that I met him and the few minuets after that I got to know him, he was probably the most interesting demon I have ever met.
"-ever he choses" I opened the door just in time to hear the last couple of words my father said. "Oh son, how wonderful that you could finally come." I wasn't paying attention to him, but instead my eyes caught some sea green ones that stopped me from moving. Especially when a smirk like that was under it.

I got over my initial shock and hoped my father didn't realize that we had met before. I don't know what I would do if he found out I actually went to the human world. And met a demon. AND am going to see him again tomorrow. AND am looking at him right now. "Hello father, and hello to you too." I did a little bow for effect after I said that. I think I might have had a little bit of an affect on the handsome sea green eyes.
"Nico, son, come over here so you can introduce yourself." He said as he waved me over with his left hand after he got up from his special chair.
I walked over to him and introduced myself, "Hello, I am Nico. Head guardian angel, and co-captain of the archangels. Elite team who trains hard so they help lead the other angels."

"Thank you Nico. Now this is-"
"I am Poseidon ruler of Hell.  And this fine young man here is Perseus, my son." Perseus winked at me when his father cut mine off and explained who him and his son were.

"Pleasure," that was all I could say while watching Perseus.

After I said that Perseus walked over to me in a few short strides and said in a low voice that just barely reached my ears, "But you can call me Percy."

"Nico, why don't you go show Perseus around Heaven, aye."

"What a lovely idea father." I then turned to Percy and said, "Shall we."

"We shall."

Guardian Angel (percico/pernico) HIATUS Where stories live. Discover now