Will You...?

273 6 3

Ryan's POV

This is it. Tonight is the night that everything changes. I was terrified, honestly.

After I made Brendon put on his best suit, I put on mine. I styled my hair and gelled it all up, hairspray, blah blah. I didn't wanna see Brendon until he was done. I'm sure he would look beautiful, as always.

Once I finished, I called Brendon to come into the bathroom. We switched rather quickly so we didn't see each other. I went to our closet and put on my nice dress shoes. I walked to my nightstand and grabbed my bottle of anxiety pills. I shook out two into my hand and popped them in my mouth, swallowing them dry. I was so terrified of what would happen. What if he doesn't want to?

I get cut off by my thoughts when Brendon walked out. "Okay. I think I'm ready." He said softly.

I turned around to see a beautiful, black suited, red bow tied Brendon standing in front of the bathroom door. His hair was beautiful and gelled up almost like mine. It took my breath away. I walked over to him and placed my hands on his waist, kissing his forehead rather lightly. "You look beautiful, baby...so...wow." I chuckled a bit.

He blushed and kissed me back, smiling. "You do, too." He smiled and wrapped his arms around my neck. "Will you tell me where we're going?"

I shook my head. "Nope. It's a surprise!" I giggled and kissed his neck.

He frowned and pushed me away playfully, laughing. "Cmon, I'm ready to see this place." He stomped a little, acting like a five year old. Well, he was a five year old.

I giggled. "Then let's hurry. I've made reservations." I grabbed both his hands and kissed each knuckle on each hand. His face turned a bright shade of pink and I grinned. "Cmon." I laced one of our hands together and I walked out the door with him by my side.

He stayed close to me as we walked out the door, down the hallway, down the stairs, and out to our car. The moon was bright and full. Everything was perfect. I smiled to myself, having a little more faith in this than I had about five minutes ago.

I walked to his side and opened his door for him. He grinned and kissed my cheek, getting in the car and buckling up. I walked to my side and did the same. I put the key in the ignition and backed out of the apartment parking lot. I pulled out and started driving towards the venue.

Brendon was fidgety. He wouldn't stay still. "Baby, you okay?" I asked.

He smiled at me widely. "Of course! I'm really excited!!" He giggled and grabbed my hand.

I laced our fingers and smiled at him. "Alright. You had me nervous for a second." I chuckled.

I turned my attention back to the road and I came to a stop light. We sat there for about two minutes or so, then I started driving again.

I kept replaying how I would ask him, the object that would soon be his, burning a hole in my pocket. I stayed quiet the whole way, just listening to Brendon sing along softly to the music on the radio. I don't think I've ever been so nervous in my life. This would be the night that changes everything.

"Okay Brenny, close your eyes and no peeking!" I tell him right before we pulled up at the restaurant.

He nodded and giggled. "Okay! Okay. Don't be so bossy." He chuckled and closed his eyes, putting his hands over them, too.

I chuckled and pulled into the parking lot. I knew this was his most favorite restaurant and it meant a lot to him. I hope he likes it.

I parked and unbuckled, turning the car off. I turned to him and smile. "Okay, open your eyes!" I bit my lip, waiting for him.

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