Wanna Come Over?

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Ryan's POV

I kept my head down and he got right next to my ear and whispered "Listen, I know you're new, and high school is pretty scary, but, I promise I won't let anything happen to you. I got your back. I swear."

I felt his breath against my neck and shivered. God, that was hot. I looked up at him and smiled. "Thanks."

I put my head back down and waited for the teacher to start talking.

So, come to find out, the teacher's name was Mrs. Morris. I can't really say if she was hot or not, but she was very pretty and, hey, if straight guys thinks she's hot, then have at it.

I sat up when she started talking and wrote down some things. I made sure to keep my arm covered with my sleeve because I don't want anyone judging me. Everyone at my old school hated me, except for my two friends, that I was lucky to have, Spencer and Jon. They were always there for me when I was extremely depressed or upset. They felt like family to me.

As I was reminiscing, I must have zoned out. Brendon tapped my arm and looked at me. "Hey Ryan, you okay?" Was he really that concerned about MY feelings?

I looked over and nodded. "Yeah just thinking about stuff, my old school and some friends." I kinda looked down and sighed quietly.

He frowned and put his hand on my shoulder. "Well, I'm sure I can't replace your old friends but, I can, however, be your new friend." He smiled brightly. I chuckled at his comment and nodded.

"Yeah, you could. Seeing as you're the only one who's noticed me today." I smiled.

"You wanna come over later after school and hang out? Get to know each other better? So we can actually be good friends?" He laughed a bit and looked at me with his big brown eyes. I melted deep inside.

"Uhm, y-yeah sure." I grinned.

He smiled brightly. "Awesome, I'll have to cancel my plans with Sarah because I'd rather make you feel more comfortable with school and shit." He put his stuff up and faced me. He would rather talk to me? Than be with his beautiful girlfriend? Wait. What?

"R-really? Me?" I asked in shock.

He looked at me. "Yeah you seem pretty cool." He keeps smiling and it's killing me, like why you so perfect Brendon...ugh.

I grinned and got up as soon as the bell rang. I pulled him in for a hug. "Oh my god thank you so much!" I practically screamed in his ear. He smelled nice and I really didn't wanna let go.

He laughed and hugged me back. "You're welcome, bro." We pulled away and walked to our next class.

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