The Cute Boy's House

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Ryan's POV

We arrived at Brendon's house at about 4:30 and no one was home. I was kinda nervous because this guy is hot and I'm at his house with no one else. Nice.

We walked in and he led me up to his room giving me a tour of his house on the way. I giggled at him. He was just so cute.

Once we got in his room I noticed all the band posters on his wall like Blink-182, Nirvana, Green Day, Metallica, and many, many more bands that I loved.

"Wow. I love your room. It's amazing." I looked around.

He laughed. "Yeah, I got all of my posters from concerts." He said braggingly.

My mouth dropped open. "What?!" Alright his guy got like 20000x times hotter.

He laughed and stood in front of his bed. "Yeah I did. I met some of them, too." He grinned. I almost passed out at this comment.

"Wow, you're like a legend to me now." I joked with him and he laughed. His laugh is really cute.

We sat on his bed listening to music for most of the day. I moved around some and my arm brushed against his and I lost my mind. I sat back down quickly scratching the back of my neck. "So Ryan, were you popular at your old school?" He asked. He must be really bored. I could fix that. Shut up Ross and answer the question.

I shook my head and looked down. "No, I only had two friends and I barely saw them during the day. No one liked me because I look emo, I wear eyeliner, I'm really tall and skinny and people thought I was just, weird. They looked at me like I was some alien from another universe. I don't know I guess it was better for me to move here. Also, no one wanted to hang out with me because I-" I stopped myself from telling him I was gay because I didn't wanna lose the one friend, I suppose, who was the only person that even acknowledged me that day. "Never mind."

He sat up and put his arm around my shoulder. I laid my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. "I'm so sorry Ryan. You didn't have to tell me everything if you didn't want to. I hope I didn't upset you." He asked worriedly.

I shrugged. "It doesn't bother me. I'm not upset. I'd rather you know anyways." I looked up at him. His face was perfectly sculpted and craved my lips all over it.

He looked down at me and rubbed my arm. "What was that other thing you were gonna say?" Shit.

"Uhm...okay, if I tell you, can you promise not to be mad at me or hate me?" I pulled away from his grip and looked at him worried.

"Of course not! Why would I do that?!" He said in shock.

I sighed and bit my lip. "I-I'm...I'm gay..." I practically whispered the last part and scooted away from him. I covered my face waiting for a reply.

He sighed and scooted closer to me putting his arm around me once again. I wanted to burst into tears but I contained myself. "Ryan, why would I hate you for being gay? I don't care what your sexuality is. It doesn't bother me. Is this why people didn't really like you at your old school? Because if so, then those bitch ass motherfuckers can go to hell because I think you are a perfect, beautiful, human being. They shouldn't care about what you do with your life. It's your life, you do what the fuck you want to with it." He tightened his grip around my arm. I looked up at him and burst into tears, wrapping my arms around his neck hugging him tightly. He hugged me back just as tight.

"You're the only person that really understands me Brendon." I cried into his neck. He just hugged me tighter.

I pulled away and he held my face in his hands and wiped my tears away. I smiled at him as he did so and closed my eyes.

"Hey, no more tears, no more sad, no more being quiet about things. Just come straight out and say it." He smiled at me. "Plus, I might have a little secret myself that you might wanna know." He grinned. I didn't know what he was talking about until he grabbed my face and pulled me in for a kiss. Huh?

I didn't waste anytime with this. I kissed him back immediately. Our lips moved together in perfect unison. My hand slid around up to the back of his neck and up through his his soft, dark hair. I bit his lip gently to try and get his attention and he pulled away. He looked at me with wild eyes.

I was so flustered right now I didn't know what to say. "I-I uh...I thought you had a girlfriend?" I kept looking at him with one hand still in his hair.

"I'm bisexual. But I always thought I leaned more towards guys than girls." He smirked and leaned in again. I grinned and pulled him close to me kissing him slowly and passionately. His lips felt perfect against mine. I could get used to this.

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