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Sonics POV

I stayed in one spot. I was getting sick, I could feel it. I wonder where shadow is? He hasn't visit me since like, two weeks. Mebey those "people" got to him. He might not visit me anymore because of all the people saying it was wrong. That just gives me another reason to end my life, since nobody's there for me, well at least not now. I slowly grabbed a knife that someone dropped and was close to sliding it across, but of course it was shadow qgho snaked it out of my hand, why dose he want me to live in pain, when I die the pain will leave.

Shadows pov

"Sonic!!!" I yelled at him as he looked at the knife slide across the floor. "What?" He said looking at me. "Don't do that!!! You scared me half to death!!!" He winced and looked at me like I was telling the worst joke ever. "Dude I thought you left me!" He yelled giving me a hug, he never huged me before so this hug was special. "I came to ask you if you would like to stay at my house. At least till the rain dies down?" I asked looking at him, he let go of me. "I'd love- ahhh chooo!" He said as he covers his mouth. "I'll take that as a yes." I laughed at him till he got mad and told me we should go home. I chaos controlled us home and looked at his face as we walked in. "Wow! Shads you wasn't kidding when you said your house could fit 12 people!" Yes I told him how big my house was. I couldn't lie it is big." So wich room do you want?"
I asked. He looked around. "Soo many rooms one little hedgehog." He joked. " um you mean two?" I asked pointing at myself. "I said little hedgehog not big black and red hedgehog!" He laughed. I just stood there feeling angery he didn't think I was little!? Im the same size as him!!!!! He could tell I was mad, cause he ran around the house screaming. "Come back here!!!!!!!" I yelled

Finally I'm not alone........

alone but not for long sonadowWhere stories live. Discover now