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Ara's P.O.V.

"Wait, excuse me sir?" Anji said. I looked at her curiously. She got out her phone and I got what she wanted to do.

"Yes?" He asked her.

"We'd like you to hear this Sir. She doesn't know we recorded her voice but..." She shrugged and PD-nim just nodded. She played the record. After listening he nodded in awe.

"She's good! I was planning to make you a group you know? Like 6-7 members." He said and we looked at him in shock. That'd be cool!

"Really?" Us twins said at the same time.

"Yes, I already have two trainees with me. Would you like to be in a group?" PD-nim asked.

"We would but will you let Eunice in Sir?" Anji asked. I looked at PD-nim.

"Who is that?" He asked again.

"The one who sang in the record I let you hear Sir." Anji replied.

"I want to hear her voice personally. She is good but I need to hear it live to decide. Can you bring her here later around 3:00? This is the only day that I'm not too busy. Oh and if possible, can you submit your contract to Mrs. Kim tomorrow?" I looked at Anji and she smiled. I looked back at PD-nim and nodded.

"Sure Sir. We'll see you later." I said and we both bowed at him. He smiled then we left. We went out to see Mrs. Kim chatting with the president's secretary. She smiled when she saw us and excused herself then walked over to us.

"So? How was it?" She asked.

"It was great. We're going back here later." I said and informed her.

"Oh? Why?" She asked curiously.

"He wants to meet Eunice to be able to decide." I said as I looked at Mrs. Kim.

"Great! That would be awesome. I'll be here later, would you like me to accompany you?" Mrs. Kim asked.

"If that's ok with you?" Anji asked her.

"Of course it is. Just text me when you get here." She said and we nodded as we walked to the elevator, waiting for it to open.

Anji's P.O.V.

"Eunice!" We both shout as we got home.

"Neh, Unnie?" She asked as she came out from the kitchen.

"We need you to come with us later. 3:00 in the afternoon." I informed her as her face showed curiosity. She's so cute!

"Waeyo Unnie?" She asked. We don't usually take her or Inna unnie out.

"Don't get mad ok?" Ara unnie said and she nodded. Me and Ara unnie explained to her what happened and after hearing it her face has surprise written all over it. I laughed at her expression. She really is cute.

"Jinjja?" she asked, we both nodded.

"Kamsahamnida!" She said and hugged both of us. We hugged her back. She broke the hug and smiled at us. She went back to the kitchen with a big smile on her face. Me and Ara unnie went up to our bedroom and changed our clothes. Ara unnie got out the CD that PD-nim gave us and played it on our CD player. She then turned on the speaker. It has a nice intro but it has a slow beat.

(The song is : Where Did You Come From? by BTS)

We enjoyed the song a lot. The story of this song is that a guy is captivated by a girl and he's curious as to where the girl came from and what her name is but he gets mad when the girl makes him confused if the girl likes him or another boy and yet he is falling in love with her. Do you get it? Haha! I'm confused myself too but... Huh, I don't know? Hahaha!

We don't know the singers though but I'm sure it's a boy group. It sounds like BTS but I'm not sure. When I looked at Ara unnie, she was already making dance moves to the intro. Haha! I zoned out for a while I guess...

"Hey Anji! I have an idea." Unnie said and pulled me up.

"As the song's intro was a beat and then a slight pause then the beat again for three times. Why don't we take turns? You know, like the first beat I dance, the second beat you dance and then the last beat we both dance." She explained. She showed it to me and we decided that it was perfect for the intro. We continued making the choreography.

~After 2 hours~

We we're at ¼ of the song when we heard a knock.

"Come in!" I said as Ara unnie turned down the volume.

"Ara, Anji! It's time for lunch." Inna unnie said as her head peeked through our door.

"Ok unnie! We'll be down in a minute." Ara unnie said. Inna unnie nodded and closed the door. We both wiped our sweat and changed our shirt before going down to eat.

Just Another Girl Group (A BTS & GOT7 Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now