You're alive!

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Aunt Bellatrix let out a high pitched laugh. I ran towards Hermione, who was in a pool of her own blood, not moving.

Greyback grabbed me by the shoulders and I yelled and kicked him. My aunt looked at me with her crazy eyes.

"Why do you care for this... This mudblood?" She brushed her wand against my throat. I gritted my teeth.
"Because... Because I love her!" I screamed the last two wards and kicked the werewolf off of me.
My aunt gasped at me. "How dare you ruin the Malfoy name by liking a... filthy little mudblood?!" She spit the last few words out of her twisted ugly teeth...

"I don't care anymore! I love her!" I said. I have to be brave... Like Hermione! I ran to her and picked her up bridal style in my arms and glared at my aunt who was looking at me with big shocked eyes.

"The dark lord will not be pleased Draco. Put her down!" She said in a harsh whisper.
"No." I said, not moving an inch.

My aunt and Greyback slowly crept towards me.
"No! We have to go! The dark lord is waiting!" I heard Snape yell at the two.
They turned around at him.
"You're... Right." My aunt turned to me. "You will be punished, Draco." She lead the death eaters down the astronomy tower stairs.

I set Hermione down, her head in my lap and took my wand and some healing potions out of my pocket. I began healing her wounds with tears streaming down my face.

Please wake up. Please... Don't leave me. I love you...

I closed the gashes in her stomach and the cut on her throat. I looked down at her, my hands covered in her blood. Waiting.

Wake up! You can't leave me! You can't! I won't let you!

I began sobbing as I saw Potter approach us. I wiped my tears away.

"You're... Trying to save her?" He whispered at me, looking at Hermione.
"Yes..." I choked out. Potter nodded at me and knelt beside Hermione, grasping her wrist, taking a pulse.

"She's alive." He said through a faint smile. I sniffed as a final tear rolled down my cheek. I closed my eyes tight as it made its way down. I gasped slightly when I felt someone's finger wipe it away. I opened my eyes to see Hermione looking up at me with weak eyes and her hand on my cheek.

"You're ok!" I said, smiling and hugging her. She slightly nodded and Potter chuckled a little and held her hand close to his heart. They were like brother and sister. Hermione had told me when we were in the woods.

"Have I ever told you that I love your eyes?" She weakly said, her fingers caressing my cheekbone. I smiled at her.

"Have I ever told you that I love you?" I asked, overwhelmed with happiness. She smiled faintly and shook her head. I lightly kissed her and looked at Potter who was still holding her hand.

"I'm happy for you two." He said with a small smile and helped me lead Hermione to the infirmary.

Forbidden love/DramioneWhere stories live. Discover now