Warm Hugs

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Booklover123: What do u guys think Rumple will be like when he gets out of the coma?

PrinceCharming: I didn't really think about it

EvilQueen: I think he'll be the same but powerless

Snow: Regina! You have to believe that people can change for the BETTER

EvilQueen: What do u think he'll be like?

Snow: I think he'll be filled with love, and like puppies, and warm hugs!

EvilQueen: Uhhh..........no

PrinceCharming: Honey, u sound like a five year old

Booklover123: Why would Rumple be like that?!

NotTheDarkOne223: I take offense to that!

Booklover123: Yeah!

NotTheDarkOne223: I've always liked puppies!

Booklover123: Rumple!

NotTheDarkOne223: What? I also like warm hugs as long as they're from Belle

Snow: But in what I was saying u would want warm hugs from EVERYONE

EvilQueen: Who wants hugs from everyone?

Snow: Warm hugs, and me!

NotTheDarkOne223: So u want random people to walk up to u on the street and give u a warm hug?

Snow: Yes!

NotTheDarkOne223: That's weird even for u

EvilQueen: I would be freaking out if that happened to me

PrinceCharming: Who r u Olaf?

Snow: David!

PrinceCharming: What if ur gonna talk about warm hugs so much we might as well call u Olaf

This chapter was originally called Happy Rumple, but then I mentioned warm hugs too much and it had barely anything to do with Happy Rumple. I found out how to put on the bold font! Also I want to thank everyone who has read this story for reading it. I have over 2k views! I don't know the exact amount but I know it's over 2k. Bye!

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