Lil Smoke

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NotTheDarkOne223: I told you Merida! It is a real name!

Merida: How was I supposed to know?

NealRox: Did u Google my name?!

NotTheDarkOne223: Yes

NealRox: WHY?!

NotTheDarkOne223: I wanted to prove a point

TheDarkSwan: Tbh I didn't think Baelfire was a real name either

NotTheDarkOne223: I proved a point to two people! Yay!

NealRox: U suck

NotTheDarkOne223: I don't!

NealRox: Yeah ya do......

TheDarkSwan: These r the nicknames for the name Baelfire

NealRox: So?

TheDarkSwan: So I could call u Lil Smoke?!

NealRox: NO

TheDarkSwan: Too late Lil Smoke

NealRox: I HATE U

TheDarkSwan: We both know that's not true

TheDarkSwan: Lil Smoke

TheDarkSwan: U should change ur username to Lil Snoke

NealRox: NO

TheDarkSwan: Or Smokey

TheDarkSwan: I like Lil Smoke better

NealRox: I DONT

TheDarkSwan: I don't care

NealRox Logged Off

I'm so sorry I haven't been updating. I promise I'll update more. Happy Halloween! Bye!

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