Family Traditions

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Savior101: U know what I just realized

PrinceCharming: What?

Savior101: That we have a family tradition

PrinceCharming: We do?

Savior101: Yeah it's on Gold's side do the family though

Savior101: It's to abandon ur son

NealRox: Hey!

NealRox: I didn't abandon Henry!!!!

NealRox: Well I sorta did

NealRox: But to didn't know u were pregnant so it doesn't count!!!!!

Savior101: But then u died

NealRox: Death doesn't count

NealRox: Death is death

NealRox: Tradition ends with me

PrinceCharming: What if Henry abandons his son?

NealRox: Make sure he has a daughter

PrinceCharming: Ohhhhhhhhh

PrinceCharming: Good idea

Savior101: How do u make someone have a daughter?

NealRox: Magic, duh

Truestbeliever: Why r u guys talking about me having a daughter?

Savior101: Because knowing ur genetics if u have a son ur destined to abandon him

Truestbeliever: Mom ur scaring me

Truestbeliever logged off

Savior101: You'll be even more scared when u have children

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