First Name

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Savior101: Belle where r u I have to return that book I borrowed

Booklover123: At Mr. Gold's shop

Savior101: U never call it Mr. Gold's shop

Booklover123: It's the name of the store

Savior101: Speaking of Gold what's his first name?

Booklover123: U don't know it?

Savior101: Should I?

Booklover123: Yes, if u want to address him by that mouthful of a name

Savior101: Tell me what it is!!!!!

Booklover123: Rumplestiltskin

Savior101: NOT THAT NAME!!!!

Booklover123: What name do u mean?

Savior101: His curse name, ya know how David's cured name is David?

Booklover123: David IS David's real name

Savior101: I DON'T CARE!!!!!!

Savior101: What is Gold's curse name!

Booklover123: Sorry Emma but I don't think he has one

Booklover123: And even he did I doubt that I would know what it was


Booklover123: Emma why r u talking to ur self?

Savior101: I know he can hear me!!!!!

Booklover123: Emma, I don't know if u have noticed this but this is a private chat

Savior101: There more powerful things than a private chat!!!!

Booklover123: Ok.......I'm just gonna-

NotTheDarkOne223: I will never tell you it!!!!!

Booklover123: How did-

Savior101: I shall know the truth!!!

Booklover123: What-

EvilQueen: Barabra

Savior101: What?

EvilQueen: His name u made such a big deal about is Barabra

Savior101: Hahahahahaaha!!!!!!!

NotTheDarkOne223 logged off

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