Chapter 4

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Thinking about it, dreaming was a really weird thing. 
You are practically forced to dream. There’s no way you can sleep and decided to just not dream. 
As soon as you fall into unconsciousness and your mind decides to do so, you dream. And even worse, you can’t just stop either. Once you start having a dream, there’s nothing you can do about it. 
Sure, someone else can wake you up, but you alone aren’t able to stop it.

So it was by no means my choice to dream about him - again.

Then again, it wasn’t really a bad thing, was it? Dreaming nice things is quite enjoyable. And I did indeed dream nice things. It was just a bit weird, I guess.
I knew almost nothing about him. I didn’t know his name. I didn’t know his age. (Though it was probably easy to guess, but still.) I didn’t know what he looked like. I didn’t know anything about his life. 
He was some kind of mystery.

You don’t usually keep dreaming about strangers, do you? But somehow  that was exactly what I had been doing the last few days. Dreaming about someone I didn’t know. 

The only explanation I could give myself was stupid, but still likely. 
I wasn’t too experienced in things like that, but looking at the signs given and comparing them to things I had seen in movies, or had heard other people talking about, it seemed possible that I, Phil Lester, fancied him. Someone I had no idea who he was.

But can you really like someone you’ve never seen or met before? Apparently I could. 

Dreaming about him was rather nice though. I didn’t know what he looked like, so his appearance was rather blurry, but my mind managed nevertheless to create cheesy, romantic scenes involving the both of us.

So after being out with Chris and PJ and falling asleep early as hell, my mind had again decided to let me dream about him
It was as blurry as always, and I couldn’t quite catch what it was about, because soon enough I was rudely awoken by the loudly and I may add really annoying sound of my ringing phone.  

I would have let it ring, but fearing it might be important I fumbled for the source of the noises, my eyes still closed, way too heavy to properly open them. 

“Wassup?”, I mumbled groggily, not quite sure if had even hit the answer button properly. 
“Aww, did I wake you up, love?”, the voice that had been haunting my dreams for the past 24 hours sounded into my ears. 

Hadn’t I been so tired and still half wrapped up into my dreams, I probably would’ve been more shocked to hear him again. But right then it seemed as the most normal thing to me that he had decided to give me a call. Due to that my reply was quite calm and unexcited sounding.

“Mhm, but it’s a’ight. ‘M awake now”, I mumbled, not too sure if he had understood anything at all. 
“No, no, no. Go to sleep again. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you up. I thought you’d be still awake”, he apologised, his voice sounding more like the one of an angel than of a human being. 
“I was tired, didn’t sleep much yesterday”, I told him, pulling my cushion closer to me, cuddling into it, unconsciously imagining it to be a person – the person on the phone as a matter of fact.

“Aw, why couldn’t you sleep, dear?”, he cooed softly. 
“Couldn’t stop thinking about you”, I confessed, yawning loudly as my mind gradually started to drift off into unconsciousness again; at that point not registering anything I said or did anymore.
“That’s extremely cute, Phil, but you really should go to sleep now”, after saying that, a faint giggle could be heard on the other end of the phone, followed by some rustling. “I’m going to sing you a lullaby, ok? Kind of to make up for waking you.”

I grunted in response, smiling happily. A few moments later I could hear the gentle sounds of a piano through the phone, at first so quiet, I wasn’t too sure I had heard right. 
But a second later the volume increased and I could make out the familiar chords of “Lullabies” by All Time Low. 
Soon enough besides the beautiful sound of the piano, an even more beautiful sound could be heard. The distinctive voice of him, softly singing along to his piano-playing.
I didn’t even make it to the second verse before falling asleep again, a lovestruck smile clearly visible on my face. 

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