You can't be serious...

172 16 3

Warning: Swearing ahead.


The sky was clear as the day with birds flying on the horizon. Clouds moved freely on the blue sky with the wind as gentle as it could be. It was a beautiful day in anyone's opinion but for a certain rocker's, it was not.

"WHERE IS THE EXIT WHEN YOU NEED IT THE MOST?!?!" Ranmaru exploded as he looked from left to right while having that stressed look.

"Now, now, Ran-chan. Calm down." Ren tried calming his senior down because the silverette already had steam coming out from him.

Masato sighed as he looked around. "At this rate, we won't be able to get out of here by daytime."

Currently, the trio were trapped in a garden maze. The walls of the maze were really high and concrete with some bushes and vines covering it. They've been going from different directions for a while now since they woke up what it seems to be like in the center of the maze. Ren was enjoying this a bit because the garden maze was basically a flower garden maze while Masato was reluctant on finding a way to get home. Ranmaru was another story. The rocker was already mad from the beginning because he woke up in a place where he had no idea how he got there in the first place.

"WE'VE BEEN HERE FOR WHO KNOWS HOW LONG. MY LEGS ARE KILLING ME FROM THIS WALKING AND WE HAVE NO PROGRESS ON WHERE THE F***ING EXIT IS ! ! !" Ranmaru roared as he walked away from the two and started swearing a bit far away from them. Ren and Masato felt a bead of sweat rolled down their heads as they both looked at each other and sighed.

"I may have an idea..." Ren voiced out while Masato looked at him curiously. Ranmaru instantly went to his side and grabbed his collar.

"This better be a good idea, Ren. Otherwise, you're dead meat." Ranmaru snarled at him as Ren laughed nervously and held up his hands in defense.

"Don't worry, Ran-chan. This'll help us."


Ranmaru grunted as Ren stood on his shoulders. The rocker glared up to him while he was holding his junior's ankles. "You're heavy."

"That's mean." Ren pouted as he placed his hands on the wall to balance themselves.

"I'm only stating the facts here." Ranmaru replied as he rolled his eyes.

"Alright, Hirijikawa. Climb up and see where we're suppose to go to get out of here." Ren looked over his shoulder and gestured the bluenette to climb up. Masato sighed at this and obliged because he, too, wanted to get out of here and get home. He carefully climbed up over the two and stood on Ren's shoulders and held onto the sidelines of the wall. Ren gripped onto his roommate's ankle with one hand while the other was on the wall.

"Do you see it, Masato?" Ranmaru asked while gritting his teeth because of the heavy weight on his shoulders as he tried his best to endure it. The bluenette tip-toed a bit to see what the view was but it was too high for him to see.

"I-I can't! It's too high!!"

"Try jumping!" Ren suggested while Ranmaru grunted.

"Ren, are you out of your mind?! That's too risky!!"

"Alright, then jump and hold onto the top!"

"Augh! Just do it, Masato! I can't hold on much longer!!"

"On 3...!"

"1 !"

"2 ! !"

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