Chapter Two: Visiting Menma

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Sakura woke up to hear knocking. Was it at the balcony? It better not be the damn player! Sakura sighed furiously as she went to the balcony. The knocking didn't come from there. The sound grew louder and louder. She turned to her main door to her house. Was that where it was coming from? Sakura then opened the door to see the moderate and good girl Ino standing there holding flowers.

"H-H-Hello Sakura-Chan." Ino spoke. "Ah good morning Ino! How's Naru-" Sakura quickly corrected herself, remembering what Naruto was referred to in this world. "Errr how's Menma?" She smiled. "Oh Menma is in the hospital recovering, I-I thought since he is in your team, y-y-you know team Seven? I thought you could give these to him." Ino smiled. "Well thank you Ino!" Sakura closed her door. Looks like I'm going to see Menma today.

"O-Oh wait Sakura! C-Can we go for sushi later?" Ino smiled twittling her thumbs. "Oh? Yeah of course!" Sakura smiled. "So, I'll see you later?" Ino stood straight. "Yeah, see you!" Sakura then walked off. Ino smiled as she headed the other direction. The Ino of this world will take some time getting use to as well...

"Hello Sakura, who are those flowers for, they better not be for Menma!" Came an angered voice. Sakura turned to the source of the voice. "H-H-Hinata!" Sakura's eyes widen. This Hinata was very different from the other world. "U-Um Ino gave them to me so I can give them to Menma." Sakura replied. "Tsk. Alright, I'll come along just so YOU won't STEAL Menma's LIPS from ME!" Hinata's byakūgan then was activated. "A-Ah! I-I won't and y-y-yeah come!" Sakura smiled nervously.

As they walked, Hinata glared at Sakura continuously. "Here." Sakura said handing Hinata the flowers. Hinata's eyes widened. "Y-Y-You're giving me the flowers? I mean...why?!" Hinata said taking them. "Well, you like Menma, so, I thought that of you giving them to him will make you two closer." Sakura said softly. "Oh...thanks." Hinata couldn't believe it. All this after I was mean to her...was it the player that she likes?

"Hey Sakura, are you gonna go talk to that nasty player today?" Hinata asked. "E-Eh? No..." Sakura looked down sadly. "Why not?" Hinata asked. "Well...I hate him...and...and..." Sakura looked down. Hinata then halted Sakura from speaking anymore. "Alright. Well, we're almost here."

And soon enough they arrived at the hospital and headed for Menma's room. "So how is my son?" Minato asked. "He'll be just fine. In a few weeks he'll be yours." Tsunade replied. Kushina then noticed the girls. "Ah! Morning Sakura!" She then noticed Hinata. "Hmph. Here to cause trouble?" Kushina raised her voice. "No...I-" Hinata was then cut off by Sakura. "She wanted to see Menma, so she went to the Yamanaka Flower shop and purchased flowers for him, she wanted me to accompany her!" Sakura smiled. "Oh really? Thank you Hinata. Well my lovely wife, it's time for us to head for our mission." Minato smiled as the two left.

Hinata sighed as she then plopped down on Menma's bed. Sakura sat down on the other one across from the other one. "Damn...why does she always assume I'm such a bad girl..." Hinata spoke. "Well you can be much more formal when your around her." Sakura suggested. Hinata then laughed. "Me, be formal? That's like saying the jerk to stop hitting on girls." Hinata then turned silent as her face turned a dark red. "Huh? What's wrong?!" Sakura then stood up.

"Oh Sakura, you have a nice round behind..." Menma was groping Hinata's bottom! Hinata growled as she smacked him. "I'M NOT SAKURA!" Hinata yelled at Menma. "Ah! Hey! I wasn't touching you! You're mean and you'd hit me!" Menma replied. "Well guess what? You touched MY ass!" Hinata said. "Menma! Hinata...wanted to come and see you! She was gonna go alone and yeah...she asked if I could come!" Sakura smiled. Menma's eyes widen in shock as he turned to Hinata. "Is that true?" He asked. Hinata slowly nodded as she pushed the flowers in his face. "And I bought you flowers." Hinata said. "G-Gee thanks!" Menma smiled sniffed them. "They smell sweet like you..." Menma said softly. Hinata blushed as the two girls left.

"...Thanks." Hinata spoke. "Mm? No problem!" Sakura smiled. "So what are you gonna do right now?" Hinata asked. "I'm going to eat sushi with Ino, maybe you can bring Menma some ramen? And you two can eat at the hospital?" Sakura smiled. "Sure! Thanks. Keh." Hinata smiled heading for the Ichiraku. Sakura went to the Sushi Bar, seeing both Ino and Sai. "Hm? Why's Sai here?" Sakura asked. "Hello gorgeous." Sai greeted Sakura. Ino blushed. "" Ino blushed. "On a date with me." She smiled sheepishly. Sakura slightly smiled. "Oh then I'll sit somewhere else so I won't bug you." She smiled. Sai and Ino sat together eating sushi, while Sakura sat alone eating spicy tuna rolls, alvacado rolls, and other types of sushi. "Can I sit here?" A voice came. Sakura slowly looked up and gasped at who she saw.

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