Chapter Six: Lightning Sakura

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With a loud thud, I land on the ground as the ninjas look at me. Sasuke gasps and tries not to freak out. I moan as I shudder in pain. The ninja turn to Sasuke. "Let's kidnap him!" Sasuke tries fighting them off as I grunt."Leave...Sasuke...alone!" I try throwing a punch as lightning shoots out and hits the ninjas. Sasuke turns to me in shock as his hair flows, he backs away so he won't get hit. "S-Sakura..." I get up with what little strength I had as I ran forward. "Shanaroooooooo!" My punch had lightning mixed to it.

Sasuke's eyes widen as he sees my new strength. "Kami..." He breathes as I finish off all the ninjas. I smile victoriously as I then stand proudly, Sasuke quickly runs over. "Sakura! That was awesome!" He smiles as Kakashi jumps down from a nearby tree. "I saw the lightning, what happened?!" He asks. I blink as I smile and Sasuke jumps up and down. "Sakura got a new power! She got lightning style!" Sasuke smiles brightly. "Great! Let's report the mission well done to Lady Tsunade!" Kakashi says putting two thumbs up and grins from his mask.

As we head to the office, I walk forward as Sasuke looks at me. "Sakura." He says softly. "Eh? What's up?" I ask. He smiles brightly as he jumps up and down again. "That was great you know?" I smile as I feel the electric flow go through my entire body and it feels great! This new power. I blink as I remember that the Sasuke from my original world had lightning and rarely fire since he was evil...but this Sasuke uses fire and rarely lightning. I'm glad that this Sasuke is still in the village by my side.

"I know, it's awesome!" I smile as Sasuke is happy that I agree with him. "Sakura..." He speaks softly. "Yes, Sasuke?" I say looking at him. "I'm sorry about earlier...with the girls and all the dumb stuff..." Sasuke sheepishly admits. "It's okay Sasuke, my day has just gotten better!" I say looking at my arms. You couldn't visibly tell I had the lightning, but physically you could. We walk up the stairs as Kakashi explains to Tsunade the results and my newly found powers. Finally, night approaches as I decided to head to the training grounds. Someone decided to follow.

"Sakura, can I train with you?" Sasuke asks sweetly as he smiles innocently. I smile and nods as he grins and tags along as we are gonna work my new powers to the max!

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