Why Yuh Messin With Me?

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Bronx, New York
July 5th 2015

Since I got here, we've all been hanging out with Shari and Kev a lot. I haven't spoken to Octavia. My messages won't deliver and my calls won't go through. I was worried at first but her brother posted a picture on IG of him flexing his new sneakers and gave her pic creds , so she must be alright if she's taking pictures for her brother I guess.

Right now I am on FaceTime with the one and the only Ruthy Smith. She told me everything that went down with her and Andy that night. The way she explained things made it seem like she was forced but maybe that's just the way I interpreted it.

"Yeo one of those thot exposing page just accepted my request. Let's see who got exposed from our school." Ruthy laughed. I didn't see point in those pages. Obviously why would the girl send nudes in the first place and trust the guy, but always why would the guy bother to expose them? I just waited to see who Ruthy saw on the page from our school.
"OH MY GOSH!" Ruthy yelled out.

"WHAT WHO DID YOU SEE!?" I asked alarmed. I heard heavy breathing on the other side of the phone. Were the nudes that ugly? Damn.

"I FUCKING TRUSTED HIM!" Ruthy screamed. At this point I got a hint of what was going down. Andy leaked Ruthy's nudes. No sympathy here! That's coming from a person who has a big heart and literally has sympathy for everyone.

"Ruthy calm down what's going on??" I asked, like I didn't already have a clue. The call ended. I shrugged and let the situation roll off my shoulder.

The doorbell rang and I got up to answer it. I peeked through the window to see Kev the golden boy standing at the door.

"Hey Jaiden isn't here, he went to foot locker to wait in line for some new sneakers or something." I told Kevin. The sun made his hair glisten and his eye gleam.

"Oh can I still come in?" He asked. I nodded my head and let him inside, closing the door behind him. He walked into the kitchen and leaned against the counter.

"Yo does everyone call you Baby, is that like a family thing?" Kevin asked, reading a reminder on the fridge that said: Baby coming @ 3pm 7/3/15. Auntie Lena forgets a lot and puts reminders all over the fridge.

"Yeah it's more of a thing where I call myself that and family and friends call me it here and there I guess. No one actually calls me that to my face though." I replied.

"Oh so it's gucci if I call you that right?" Kevin asked, raising a brow.

"Yeah sure I don't care." There was silence after that. I don't really know what to converse about with this guy.

"You know how to cook?" Kevin asked breaking the silence.

"Yeah sure, why?" I laughed and looked at him confused.

"Girl I'm hungry!" He replied putting his hand in his shirt rubbing his stomach, giving me a peek of his golden tummy.

I laughed at him and brushed passed him towards the cabinet. I rummaged through some stuff to find a box of brownie mix that'll have to do.

"Now this is what I'm talking about!" Kevin said, taking the box from me and reading the directions on the back.

Kev and I finally finished making the actual mix and put it into the oven.

"Yeo bump something." Kev said. I opened up soundcloud and pulled up my playlist and turned on shuffle. Do My Step by Kalin and Myles was the first to play. Kev immediately started dancing.

"You're really good." I said, complimenting him. He should be famous for this.

"It ain't nothing but a thang Baby, but let me see your moves." He said. I have no moves so I don't know what he's expecting. I rolled my eyes and started milly rocking because that's the only dance I could do.

"Bruh! This isn't a milly rock type of song." Kevin laughed. The song ended and Flex by Rich Homie Quan came on.  Kevin, of course, hit the Quan.

"Wait no teach me how to do that though." I said considering this is the dance that everyone knows how to do except me.

"Alright," Kevin said standing in front of me with his toes touching mine. "It's all in the hips." He then said, placing his hands on my hips. Then there was silence as he looked into my eyes, his hands never moved from their place. Then he leaned in, his lips inches away from mine. Then Riley popped into my head, and I turned away.

"Baby, why yuh messin with me?" Kevin asked as he licked his lips.

"I have-" I was cut off by the sound of the front door opening.

"I made a cop! Cop! Cop!" Jaiden yelled as he walked through the door with a foot locker bag in his hand. Kevin removed his hands and scratched the back of his neck to act as if nothing was happening.

"Who made brownies because I'm tryna cop one of those." Vanessa said following behind Jaiden with shopping bags of her own. They both walked into the kitchen to see Kev and I.

"Bruhhhhh if what I think is happening is happening, it best not be happening." Jaiden said looking at me and Kev. Now this is awkward as hell.

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