His Fans

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Long Island, New York
July 6th 2015

Everyone except Daniel was sitting at the kitchen island as Vanessa prepared grilled cheeses for lunch. A ham sandwich for Dev because he doesn't like cheese.

"Yoo my head is killing me." Daniel said as he walked into the kitchen rubbing his forehead. "The last thing I remember is your friend taking me to the backyard and giving me a few cups of something to drink." He said to me. I'm aware that Ruthy is going to hit my line like nothing has happened, but this time I'm not going to take it. I'm starting to get tired of her.

"Yeah Vanessa that was good but Diana and I have something to look at upstairs." Kevin says.

"We do?" I asked confused. Without getting a reply Kev grabs my hand and leads me upstairs to my room.

"You take pictures?" Kev says as he picks up my DSLR from my dresser.

"Yeah it's kinda what I want to do with my life. For now I just photograph kids that I know and special events. Weddings, baby showers, things like that." I answered him.

"That's lit." He said turning to me and stepping closer to me. He then grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers, not taking his eyes off mine. He lifted my chin with his other hand so our lips were equal with each other. He shut his eyes and leaned in.

"Yeo we're going to the mall! Do y'all wanna come?!" Vanessa busted in. Another kiss interrupted.

"Ahhhh fuck it!" Kev said grabbing my face and colliding our lips despite Vanessa being there. YEO THIS GUY CAN KISS?? IS HE SURE HES 14??

He pulled away and looked down at me with a smirk. "Yeah we're down for the mall." Kev said, not taking his eyes off me.

We all sat in the back of Vanessa's car with Jaiden in the passengers seat as she drove us to the mall. How Many Times by DJ Khaled and Chris Brown bumped through the car speakers.

"Kev, how many times you gotta tell Diana to come over?" Devin laughed.

"Too many times." Kevin replied as we all laughed.

"Diana isn't your being of the year high school banquet coming up?" Vanessa asked. Every year there was a welcoming banquet for the freshmen. It was always at least 2 months before school started. It took place at a different restaurant every year.

"Yeah next week actually. I have an outfit. Just no one to take." I replied. It's a must to bring a date to the banquet. Only because if you're seen by yourself it's humiliating.

"Just take Kevin." Daniel spoke up. He had on sunglasses to hide the extreme under eye bags he had from his hangover.

"Alright so I'll bring you back by 11:00 see you then." Kevin smiled. This cornball.

"Tavia who are you going with?" Vanessa asked, looking at her through the rear view mirror.

"My parents are making me take my cousin Ahmed." She snarled.

The Mall
July 6th 2015

After doing some shopping, we all satin the food court with some Johnny Rockets to eat. Kev and I both decided to get vanilla milkshakes. Devin, Octavia, and Daniel sat across from us while Vanessa and Jai pulled up chairs on the side.

I peeped Devin pick up his phone getting ready to take a picture. I put my hand in front of my face and Kevin did his famous pout with his arm around me and milkshake in his other hand.

"Yeo send that to me." Kevin smiled.

"Bett." Devin replied as he forwarded the picture to Kevin's phone.

As soon as receiving the picture, he opened instagram and began to post it. He captioned it: K Lit x Baby😇💞 pc: @devin_gordon.

He got over 100 likes in seconds. I read some of the comments that were something a long the lines of: "who dis bitch?😒" "He's mine😡!" and "Father my kids😩😆😜🔥💦👅🐳🚂"

"You're going to piss the Digaz off to the max." Daniel laughed as he took a bite out his burger.

"You right. I'm not deleting it though." Kev replied as he scrolled through the comments. "It's not like we're dating. I'm married to my Digaz." Kevin smiled at his phone. "Matter of fact imma tag Diana too." He said as he typed in my username 'babydiana' to tag me. After that happened my phone blew up with likes and comments. People tagging her friends saying: "This her😒" or other people that commented simple heart eyes.

"Yeo you just made Diana famous." Jaiden laughed. My Instagram was basically my photography getaway. A few selfies here and there but mostly photography. Was this some exposure?

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