I'm Done

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Camil's Pov

I asked Toya to drop me off since she needed my car and she can just pick me up onn the way back to Chris house.

We pulled up in front of Freddy's house and I called him to tell him I was outside.

"Ok thanks for dropping me off babes"I gave her as hug

"You welcome see you later"i got out the car and walked up to Freddy's door.Before I can knock he opened it.

"Hey beautiful'he picked me up and hugged me

"Hey Fred umm can you put me down"I said

"Aw sorry,I missed you "he put me down and we walked in the house and sat in the kitchen

"So what you been up to"I asked he looked at me and smiled

"Nothing just chilling waiting to see you"He said

"Okay so what you wanna do"i got up

"Umm i dont know i guess chill and watch tv"

"Boy you just lazy,I didnt come over here to watch no fucking tv,I could so that at home"he smacked his lips

"Whatever man,Then what you wanna do"i laughed

We went in the living room

"I don't know,How about you tell me the real reason you been calling me like crazy"I said

Chris Pov

When Camile and Toya left I took a shower,i heard somebody come in the house so i hopped out and put the towel around me.I went downstairs and saw Toya taking her shoes off at the front door.

"Aw hey i didnt know it was you"I said ,She just stared at me

"Toya"i called out to her

"Oh yea whats up"she looked up at me

"Where you just come from"i looked at her

"Umm i just dropped Camil off she said i can use her car"She sat on the couch

"Aw ok well im about to take a nap"i was about to go upstairs

"Wait Chris can i ask you something"She got up and walked towards me

"Yea whats up"

"Do you find me attractive"she smiled and put her hand on my chest

"Umm yea i guess"I smiled and licked my lips

"Well i find you attractive too"she whispered in my ear

"Well i have--"Before i could say anything she kissed me.I pushed her back

"Toya what the fuck are you doin"I looked at her in disgust

"I know you want me and i want you too"She tried to kiss me again but i pushed her

"Get your shit and get the fuck out my house"I said before going upstairs and putting my clothes on

When i came back downstairs Toya was packing her stuff.

"Chris i am so sorry i dont know what came over me,I just thought you felt the same way "She had tears in her eyes

"Man fuck that,that's bogus asf "I sat next to her

"Im just so stressed out i dont know what to do"she wiped her face

"Your a strong ass person so this shit is beneath you Toya,I don't care what situation you in,Doing Camil like this when she helping to ass is just triflin,i know you can make it through this shit"She sighed

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