The Meeting

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Chris Pov

When we got to the office for the meeting, we sat down and waited for the meeting to start so I got on twitter and Instagram to pass time.

2 people walking into the room and one introduced himself as Freddy and the lady was Jordan. They talked to my manger for a little before Jordan left back out the room.

About 10 minutes later I see this milk chocolate skinned  girl, she looked beautiful as hell, she had dark brown eyes with long straight hair and a perfect curvy body.

When I saw her my eyes followed her every movement and I didn't realize it,I just couldn't stop looking at her.

"This is Camil and she'll be taking over for me so I'll leave you guys to it"She said leaving

Finally my manager Michael ripped me from my thoughts and told me to put my phone on vibrate, I did so as they began to hand us some papers.

The whole time I just kept looking at her and she noticed because she started smiling then the guy she was with started talking about the tour.I wasn't really paying attention because she had all of my attention,especially when she began to talk.

"We have to hire more people to set up the stage and to do the,the displays,speakersd and  lights"She said reading off the paper that was in her hand.

"And the tour can start in about 4 more months depending on the song lists and bands and dancers you want to bring along "The Freddy guy said

"So that way we can have more time to plan the places,and get more dancers,singers and musicians to work with you and even have time to have some backups just in case "He continued

"If that's ok with you guys I mean that do give you more time to find more people and find the right people"She added

"Yea,I think that's good what about you Chris"My manager asked

"I think that's a good idea"I said still looking at her not paying attention to the conversation

After the meeting everyone left the room,Michael wanted to stay for a little so he can talk to Freddy. How I was feeling I just wanted him to handle everything so I can be done already with this shit.

Time past and my phone started to go dead so I went out the room and saw her in her office right across from me so I went to see if she had a charger, but really I just needed a excuse to talk to her.

"Hey"I said knocking before walking all the way in

"Hey looking for the bathroom"She asked smiling

"My phone is kind of going dead and I was wondering if you had a charger I can use"She nodded

"Yea sure if it's an iPhone, its one over there by the window"She pointed

"Thanks,you mind if I stay in here"I asked

"No not at all"she said

The whole time I couldn't help but look at her,just seeing her work was fascinating to me.My eyes went from her legs to her chest and then to her face,thats when I noticed she asked me something.

"So are you excited about the tour"She asked

"Yea even though its gonna be hard to get some sleep"I said

"You will get through it just think about the excitement of seeing new faces"She said laughing a little

"I Hope so,canI ask you Something"I asked

"Sure what is it"She said

"Are you single"I asked

"Maybe,why you want to know?"She said smiling

"Because I would like to take you out sometime if that's cool with you"

"Idk I just officially met you,and plus I don't think it's appropriate"

"Ok I feel you,how about you give me your number and we can talk about it"She shrugged

"Sure"She said

She gave me her number just in time because my manager came in and told me we could go.

When I got to home I took a shower,fixed me something to eat and watched tv.For some reason I just couldn't stop thinking about Camil so even though it was late I decided to call her.

"Hello"A soft voice said

"Hey,This Camil?"I asked

"Yes,Who's this"She asked

"This Chris"

"Oh,Hey you"She said giggling a little

"Damn you got a gorgeous ass voice,so what you been up too"

"Nothing just helping my friend pack,she's moving with her boyfriend"

"Aw she lives with you"I asked

"Yea,Well used to"

"Aw ok,So what you doing tomorrow"

"It's Saturday so probably stay in the house and relax,why you ask"

"Because I was wondering if you wanted to go out to eat or to the movies or something"

"Wow you never give up do you"

"No not at all"She laughed

"I still don't know Chris"

"Ok how about we go anywhere you want and I take you home whenever you want to go"

"Ok but this better be worth my time and better have lot of food involved"She said,I laugehd

"I got you gorgeous"I said

"Ok well I have a lot of packing to do so I will call you tomorrow,good night Chris"She said,I know she was smiling over the phone

"Aight,Good night Camil"

After we got off the phone I start thinking about her and I just knew I had to make her mine and I was willing to do anything to make that happen.

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