Some Friend

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Camil's Pov

I woke up the next morning at 7 and took a shower,when i got out it was 8 so i start getting ready.I got dressed and  straighten my hair and went in the kitchen to fix me some tea.

Freddy texted me and said he was about to be in his way but I told him to stay home and reminded him Chris was coming.

I sat at the table for a few minutes then started cleaning up the kitchen since I didn't get the chance to do it last night.

There was a knock on the door,My hands were wet so I hurried and unlocked it telling him to come in before going back to the kitchen.

"Good morning"He said kissing my cheek then leaning on the counter next to me

"Good morning,You're  here early"I said, he smiled

"Yea i wanted to take you out for breakfast"I sighed

"Chris i dont-"

"Camil lets not discuss this right now because it is going to end with me taking you anyway"He said bluntly,I laughed shaking my head

"Ok lets go so we don't be late going to the doctor"He said

I finished up and we left.

Chris Pov

When we got to this breakfast spot we sat by the window. It was still early so the place had little to no people in there which was how I liked it.

A white blonde girl came over to our table.She looked like she was 18 or 19 and she just kept smiling.

"Hi im Carla and i will be waiting on you guys today so what will you be having"she took out a notepad and a pen

"I want scrambled eggs,bacon,2 sausages,blueberry pan cakes and orange juice"i looked at Camil

"Damn babe thats a lot of food"she smiled

"Well i am eating for 2"She said,i smiled

"Well i will have 2 sausages,scrambled eggs,grits and waffles with some fruit punch juice"the waitress smiled

"Ok i will be back with your food"she took the menus and walked off

"So whats been up with you baby mama"she rolled her eyes

"Dont call me that"She said annoyed

"Ok well wifey"she laughed

"Nothing just busy with work,what about you"

"Shit just missing you"i reached over and kissed her hand

"I see"she smiled

"So can we talk about this now"she looked at me

"About what"

"The day all that shit happened"she took a deep breath

"Fine go a head"She sat back in her seat

"Ok when you left Toya came back and i was in the shower,i came down in just my towel because i didnt know who it was,Then she start asking me did i find her attractive and shit and she start touching on my chest and shit and-"i stopped

"And what"she looked curious

"And she kissed me,I pushed her and asked her what the fuck she was doin,I told her to leave but she said she wouldn't until i had a drink with her.Long story short the bitch spiked my drink and thats all i remember before you came in"i looked at her blank face

"Camil say something"she just stayed quiet

"I knew it was something "I heard her mumble but she didnt know i heard her

"What"i said

"Nothing im just glad you told me"she smiled

Just then the waitress came back with our food,and drinks

"Ok here is your food and enjoy and just let me know if you need anything else"she sat our plates down in front of us and walked off.

After we were done eating we sat there until it was 11:30.We got up and i put $100 on the table and we left.

Camil's Pov

When we got to the doctor we sat in the waiting room and all eyes were on us.Sometimes i did forget Chris was famous so I would look at confused at everyone who stared at him but I still have to get use to it.

Finally they called my name and me and Chris got up and followed the nurse.when we entered the room i sat on the table and Chris sat in the chair.

After 10 minutes the doctor walked in.

"Hey Mrs.Johnson how are you"she shook my hand

"Im great"she then looked over at Chris who was all into his phone

"Hello Im Dr.Jamison "she held out her hand

"And this is my fiancè Chris"I said

"Nice to meet you"Chris looked at me and smiled

"Nice to meet you too"

"Ok Ms.Johnson if you can lay back for me"she put on some gloves and turned on the machine

I layed back and lifted up my shirt.Chris got up and stood next to me and held my hand.I jumped when the cold gel touched my stomach.

"Ok looks like the baby is doing fine,would you guys like a ultrasound picture"she looked up at us

"Yea"Chris said with a big ass smile on his face

She wiped the gel off and i put my shirt down and hopped off the table.

"So baby look good and seems to be growing pretty well,I did see that your blood pressure was kind of high so I'm gonna prescribe you something for that and also some prenatal vitamins"She said ,I nodded

"Also please try to relax,you need to get more rest and try to eat a little more because your are underweight for the regular weight around this trimester"She said,I nodded as Chris laid more attention to what she said than me

"Here you guys go and follow up with front desk about your next appointment"She handed me some papers and walked out.

"Ok its still early so what you wanna do"i said grabbing my purse

"Aw i have you for the day?"he asked

"Yes for now"i smiled

"Ok i guess we a can go see Mama"He said

"Yea lets go"i haven't seem Mama J since the day Chris purposed to me so i was excited.

The drive was about 2 hours because of traffic and i had to spend it with Chris irritating ass who wouldn't stop talking about he hope I forgave him and about the baby.....

Team Breezy♡♥★

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