There's no place like home.

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// I Apologize for any tears beforehand, I'm a horrible person I know...but I still love you.

       •Chapter thirteen•
                Three years later
*Present day*

three years.
three years since my orbs have glimpsed your magnificent features. Three years since I've cradled, embraced your fragile frame in my arms. Three years of the relentless reminder that I lost you. I restlessly continue to replay the agonizing image of your distressed, broken tear stained expression I vividly recall. I can't seem to prevent my conscience from wondering what would have became of us if I stayed. I can't seem to escape you. This relentless never halting heartbreak. This emptiness. every fiber of my being screams out in agony. I can't seem to forgive myself, forgive myself for abandoning you. Voices engulf my conscience, reminding me constantly of this torturous nagging regret. The evolution of our tragic relationship replays on a loop. Each vivid memory haunting my mind. I desire utter numbness, the ability to flip a switch. how utterly familiar this pitiful feeling is. I occasionally question her about you, deep down I understand it's unwise and torturous...but I can't seem to resist. She attempts to convince me to bury the grief of this deceased relationship. to give the bottle a rest and to stammer on with my life. She almost succeeds, but then Reality sets back in and pessimist in my conscience emerges reminding me What's the point if I can't have you?

You are my life.

Since I could possibly recall I've always been reminded to never dare create homes out of humans, disregarding this advice....I did, and I as I sit here in utter agony drowning my sorrows in liquor I can't help but comprehend, what if they were right? Because the sun is beginning to rise and I'm so unbelievably homesick.

I've lost The only home I've known.

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