The Secret Hideout

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                                                                      - Chapter 4 -

It was on a Saturday, Ruka and I went to the kitchen. Good morning losers Sunako said. Good morning big face Sakura replied. We sat down and had eggs and bacon for breakfast. So what are we going to do today Ruka said. Maybe we can go practice are songs in our secret hideout Sunako suggested. What secret hideout Takumi said coming into the kitchen. Mori and Aida came from behind Takumi and sat down.  Oh its nothing Sunako said. Yea its nothing Sakura said and we continue eating. Oh really Aida said. Yea so let's go girls. We left leaving the boys clueless. We went to the park and walk 5 blocks behind our school. Then, we took a left down the fifth street and went into the forests. In the middle of the forest was a abandon building. We went inside and started playing our songs and just practicing. Hours later, we heard a loud scream outside. We went outside and saw the boys. Takumi, Mori, Aida what are you doing here Ruka said. What does it look like, we follow you Mori said. Yea, we wanted to know what you girls was hiding. Well you see it you can go now Sunako said. We gave you girls a home to stay, We took you shopping and this is what we get for doing all those nice things secret and lies Takumi said with a look that say your guilty. Well fine, but don't tell nobody where our hideout is Sunako said. We won't Mori replied.  The boys went inside and saw our instrument's. What do you girls do in here Mori said. Do you girls bring guys here so  the two of you can make out Aida said. No! We play our songs and practice in here. Oh so you ladies trying to become rock stars or something. Yes we are Ruka replied. Oh then play us something then Takumi said. So that's what we did. We played in front of them for hours. Wow you girls did something amazing for the first time Takumi said. What did you Sakura said with a angry voice. Yea you girls are good , but you know what will make it better Aida said. He pick up a bass guitar and started going out it. Wow now that was awesome Sunako said to Aida. I know you haven't seen nothing yet. Mori went to the keyboard that was behind Sunako and played it. OMG, we all gasp. Takumi got a electric violin and almost caught the violin strings on fire. That's how good Takumi was playing the violin. Wow Sakura said. I'm actually impressed. Theirs another secret we like to tell you girls. What is it Ruka said. We can sing to. Takumi took the mic and sung his heart out.  His voice is so beautiful Sakura. Careful Sunako said don't become love struck by his voice Sakura. Sakura blush, what never. Later, we sat on the ground and chat and had funny making fun and teasing of each other. Oh yea tell us girls. We looked at Takumi. Where did you find this hideout. Well, A long time ago, Sakura, Ruka and I were in middle school when we found this building. We were board so we decided to go through the forest and we found it. We went inside the building to check to see if anyone was in it. We thought it would be a perfect place for us to hangout and play are instruments. Oh cool, you girls are awesome. I know thank you Mori. Well, that enough of that. Uh what do you mean. Its 5:00 and we want to take you girls somewhere. Really where Ruka said. The amusement park. Really the amusement park that's awesome let's go.

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