Prank Scare Week!!!!

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                                                                 - Chapter 12 -


We were siting on the couch watching regular show when we fell asleep. Hey guys look the girls are asleep Takumi said. Ruka look so cute with her sleeping face on Aida said. I'm going to take a picture of her. I know right Sunako still looks sexy even when she sleeping Mori said. Sakura just soo hot Takumi said. Mori, Takumi, and Aida took a picture of us with their phones. Let's prank them Takumi said. Takumi grabbed a camera from the table. Mori tooked the picture and put it on Facebook and the school website. Ok let's go I can't wait till school tomorrow. Sleep tight my little sunshine Aida said to Ruka.


We woke up and went to school. We walked into the school and the boys are looking at us perverted as we walk trough the hallway. A boy tried to touch Sunako butt. She punch him in the gut. I will kill you if you touch me Dumbass Sunako said. Another boy tried to hold Ruka hand as he whisper in her ear. Hey baby, why don't you come to my place after school the boy said. Ruka slapped him and his face was bleeding and super red. Damn!, I'm going to tell my girlfriend on you. I don't care Ruka said. As we open the door in our class room the girls were looking at us with a evil expression. Hitomi went up to Ruka and slap her as she called her a b***ch. Who are you Sakura said. My name is Hitomi Todao, the girlfriend of the boy you slap. Sunako was mad and was trying to find something sharp to stick the girls with. I going to kill you Sunako said. Whatever Hitomi said going to the bathroom. She think I'm playing oh ok Sunako was furious and ran after her. Ruka tried to catch her, but Sunako was running like her feet was on fire. Ruka finally caught up to Sunako. Don't ever do that again Ruka said trying to catch her breathe. Their was a girl name Maki standing next to Hitomi. Eww get out of here you hoe Maki said to Sunako. Sunako grabbed Maki and slam her through the bathroom stall. Don't get up Sunako said to Maki. Maki hesitated to kept still. Hitomi kick Sunako in the leg. Two minutes later, Maki got up and scratch Ruka on her neck. Hitomi punch me(Sakura) in my eye. Ruka got pissed off and kick Maki in her face. She grab Hitomi hair and swung her through the bathroom door and across the hall where the lockers were. Everybody was shocked even the teachers. The principal came and we got detention for the rest of the week.

After School

We was headed for the detention hall after coming from the nurses office. I had foundation to hide my black eye that I got in the fight. Hitomi came and said " that's what you bitches get". Sunako said " You want to get swung to the lockers again". Beat it little girl Ruka said with a stern voice. We were almost to the door when three boys stop us in our tracks. Hey girls want to come to our place the boys said. Eww, No Ruka said. We walked passed. The boys grab us and tried to force us to come with them, but then Takumi, Aida, and Mori saw us and step in. Mori punch one of the boys in the face and Takumi and Aida did the same thing. The boys ran off. Thanks guys Sakura said. It's nothing Takumi said. What's wrong with people today it's like they all gone crazy Sunako said. Well bye the boys said as they hurried. We was detention for a hour when I got a phone call from a Suzu the student council. She told me to go to Facebook and get on the school website. Ok Ruka said. We got on Facebook and found a picture of us sleeping on a couch. Is this a joke Sakura said. 2 million view Ruka said. Next, we went to the school website and found the same photo. It had 800 view Sunako said. Under the picture it read " Our babies are sleeping". We scroll down some more and it said " If Sakura, Ruka, and Sunako are reading stop looking confuse cause you just got pranked". I'm going to kill those boys Sunako said. Sakura called Takumi on her cell. Hello Takumi said. Hey boys where are you right now Sakura said. No where special Takumi said. Ruka snatch the phone. Look we know you put that picture of Facebook and the school page Ruka said. Yea, so let's play a game Takumi said. Who ever say I give up or stop loses Aida said. Sunako snatch the phone. Fine, will play your little game, but if we win you guys have to help with the sports festival next week, help put them away when the festivals over and have to buy us a blue car with black leather, and have to participate in mostly all the sports they have offered. Fine Mori said and if we win we get to sleep with you in your bed. We won't do anything we just want to sleep in your bed with you. In your dreams, you are on Sunako said.


We got up early in the morning to prank the boys. Ruka went into Aida room and toward the bathroom. Ruka got Aida shampoo and put neon light green dye in his shampoo. Sunako put neon blue in Mori shampoo and I put neon purple in Takumi. Later, we were sitting at the table eating breakfast when we heard 3 girly voices. S-Suunnaakkoooo Mori scream. The boys came into the kitchen angry. Gotcha the girls said laughing their asses off. What are you for real, this is not funny Takumi said. My hair is Purple, purple Sakura. What I look like a grape to you. F**k that my hair is blue Mori said. What I look like the F**king Pacific Ocean. Please, my hair is green I look like grass now thanks a lot girls Aida said. Aww don't cry it only last for 1 day Sunako said. Look! Ruka went to turn the kitchen light off. Your hair even glows in the dark to. Ok girls you want to play like that Takumi said. Bring it Sakura said.


We where in the computer lab doing a assignment. Hey girls Suzu said. Hey Sunako replied. You guys have to check out this new game that just came out it's awesome. Suzu went to the site and Sunako started to play the game. We couldn't touch the black part is what Suzu said. Suzu told us to get close and she turned the volume up. We got to level 3. I don't see the point in this game Sunako said. Ahhhhhh!, Sunako, Ruka, and I scream to the bottom of our lungs. What the hell was that Sakura said. Ruka was crying, and Sunako froze in shock and fear. The boys came in with a Camera. Gotcha the boys said. This means War Sunako said. Suzu how could you. Well, they offer a $100 dollar bill, I couldn't resists. The boys were in art class. We had a big bucket of glitter to match their hair color. We turn off the lights. When someone turn the lights on we splash them with the bucket of glitter. We ran out the class leaving the boys shocked as hell. We put on the internet when we got home.


Did you see their faces when we splash them with glitter Sunako said. Yea!, Ruka said laughing her ass off. When we went to school a clown with blood over him was running towards us with a knife. Ahhhhhh clown Ruka said. The clown was running to Ruka. Stop chasing me you demon killer Ruka said as she climb the trees. The clown tried to climb the tree after her, but Ruka was throwing rock at him and he kept falling down the tree. Leave me along Ruka said starting to cry. Just then Mori and Takumi came and was recording everything that happen including the cry scene. This is not funny I'm scared of clowns Ruka said. The town took off the mask. Boo-hoo Aida said. Ruka got mad and gave a "Im gonna kick you ass " look. When we got home Ruka saw that it was already on the internet. Ok I got you boys.


The boys were eating breakfast and they ask if Ruka can she give them lemonade. Sure Ruka said. Ruka grabbed some lemonade from the refrigerator and gave it to them. Thanks Ruka Aida said. The boys took a sip of the lemonade. They spit it out, so fast it was like they were throwing up. What was in that bottle Takumi said. Yea, because it's not lemonade. I got it on camera to. Boy you were drinking dog pee Sunako said. That's so sick Aida said. Come on girls let go put it on the internet. No please don't  Mori beg. We give up Aida said. Yay!, we won the bet. After that they decided that they were going to stay home and brush their teeth's all day. We have a normal day at school except we got into a fight with the girls again. We were in the nurses office, while the opponents we fought were in the hospital.


When we got home we had dinner. Hey Ruka what happen to your neck Aida asked. Oh nothing I fell and my pencil scratch me. Aida grabbed a glass of water and splash it near her neck. Aida the F**k man Ruka said. Takumi did the same thing to me. Mori got up and peel off the bandages off Sunako face. What really happen girls. We got into a fight we these stupid girls. Yea!, I know the nurse called our house. Just don't lie to me ever again Takumi said. O-ok we are sorry Sakura said blushing. Now girls let go get ride of those marking on your face. Oh and that black eyes too Mori said. Takumi got a ice pack. Here used this. Thanks Sakura said to Takumi. After they was done we all went to sleep.

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