Chapter Five

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Eventually, Skye somehow convinced Coulson she would be fine.
"Alright," he said, "if you're really sure you can handle this, I'll let you have your privacy."
Skye smiled, silently bidding him goodbye.  She was sure that if she opened her mouth, she wouldn't be able to hold it together.  Once Coulson was out of sight, she turned and entered Jemma's room.
God.  If she ever made a list of the worst moments of her life, this would be high up there.
She felt tears come, which was expected.  They came slowly, sliding down her cheekbones and dripping from her chin.  Then it seemed like a dam exploded because she was suddenly sobbing.  Jemma looked like she had been through hell and back.  Both her arm and her head were heavily bandaged, and her chart said that she had a fractured rib.

She slowly approached the bedside. Once there, Skye's hand ghosted along her side before resting gently at her bandaged forehead.

"Jemma.." Skye muttered softly, her fingers tracing over the difference of textures that encompassed Jemma's head: skin, bandage, mottled skin, silk bandage, torn skin, rough bandage, soft skin--

She stopped, breath hitching.

"Please.. Jemma. If you can hear me.."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19 ⏰

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