Chapter Three

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As she stood up, the plane shook, causing Jemma to lose her balance. This was going to be harder than she'd expected. She slowly started walking forward, holding onto whatever remotely stable object she could.

Jemma heard a loud bang from behind her, and turned around. She saw Skye, passed out, and realized she must've hit her head because of the turbulence.

"Well, she's probably safer like that.." Jemma thought.

Now she didn't have to worry about Skye doing something stupid to protect her. Jemma turned back around, glad Skye wasn't on her tail - sure, she loved the girl to death, but she didn't want to put her in any more danger - and made her way slowly and cautiously to the lab.

Fitz had to be there. Jemma could picture him now: curled up in a corner holding his beloved Night-Night gun. She couldn't wait to see the look on his face when she saved him.

Jemma sprinted (as well as she could with all the turbulence) through the once lab doors, which now had jagged glass sticking out of the doorway.

"Fitz?!" Jemma called out, getting no reply.

The plane shook again, but with more force this time, sending Jemma crashing against the wall, slicing her arm on the doorway as she went.

"Oh shit.."

Jemma held her arm against her shirt, staining it with blood. Just as she thought the bleeding had stopped, another jolt of turbulence hit the plane, and Jemma smashed her head into a row of cabinets. She touched the back of her head, and it felt moist.

"Jemma!?" she heard a familiar voice with a Scottish accent call. The biochemist turned, and Fitz was safely strapped into an emergency seat (with his Night-Night gun, of course).

"Jemma, you need to get out of there! The plane's about to-"

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