Chapter 15

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-Whiskey's P.O.V.-

It's been two months since we got Ky and I've started the last semester of college. Since Adam's house is only 20 minutes from the school, I decide on staying here rather than on campus. It's quieter and I have Ky with me. Adam doesn't mind though, because the time I spend at school, he's out working with the voice contestants. So it works out perfectly.

I get up and shower quickly, I woke up late so I'm already 30 minutes behind schedule. I quietly get ready not wanting to wake up Adam. He doesn't get much sleep, with the voice and all. So I just head to the living room and let Ky outside to do her business. As soon as she comes in, I feed her and head out to school.

It's about 7:30 and I'm in my first class, when I feel my phone vibrate. I look to see who it is, and expect it to be Adam, but it's an unfamiliar number. I debate on whether I should answer it. I do love my English literature class, I start to decide against answering it until my professor mentions Jane Austin. That's when I decided to go out side and answer it. It's not that her writing isn't good. It's just.. well... Her work is boring. Anyways I quietly gather my stuff and walk toward the door. The professor glances quickly at me but doesn't stop his lecture. As soon as I get into the hall I answer my phone.

"Hello?" I ask, trying to keep my voice low because the hall walls are as thin as paper.

A man answers me, "Hello this is Mark Waters. Is this Whiskey?"

Mark Waters! So many thoughts spin to my head in seconds when I realize he's still on the phone.

"Yes, this is Whiskey," I say trying to maintain a calm tone. But inside I want to burst.

"Oh Good! I'm just calling to let you know that I saw the tape of one of your audition and I loved it! We've casted you to play the supporting lead in my new movie. I just wanted to call you peronally," He tells me enthusiastically.

I remember that audition, well it was my only audition. I had just started dating Adam when I went to it,"Of course, may I ask who the lead is?"

"You'll be playing opposite of Simon Baker," Mr. Wolf says,"I'd like you to come by the studio at 1 today so we can get some stuff sorted out."

"Oh, um yes of course!" I say stuttering. Wow I am really embarassing myself.

"Awesome, I 'll see you at 1," He says.

"Ok, great Thank you, um, Bye" I say hanging up. I'm breathless. So many good things are happening. First I'm dating the love of my life and secondly I finally got my break! Well, then there is that one thing that won't stop worrying me.

-Adam's P.O.V.-

I slowly go into downward dog as I take deep breaths. As I release the pose, I hear the garage door open, and footsteps in the kitchen. I look at the clock, it's only 8 a.m. so Whiskey should be at school right now. I get up and walk to the door. I'm in the yoga room so the intruder can't see me. As I inch forward I hear her yell out my name.

"Whiskey, what the hell are you doing here?" I ask her as I walk out from behind the corner.

"Guess what I just got?" Whiskey says practically jumping from her excitment.

"What," I say getting a cup of water.

"Mark Waters liked my audition and decided to cast me in his new movie," She says with a huge smile on her face.

"I knew you could do it," I say as I pull her in for a kiss.

"Thank you," She says not letting our lips part. Her phone suddenly rings and she rushes to pick it up. She's talking on the phone, probably Tina judging by the high pich squeel I hear coming from the phone. Whiskey's face lights up and she seems to glow as she talks about acting. She looks extremely gorgeous when she's talking about her passions. If there's one thing I like about a girl knowing she has a passion.

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