Chapter 34

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-Whiskey's P.O.V.-

I smile,"Yes, really." We're quiet, but Adam eventually breaks the silence,"Do you want to sit on the couch?"

"Yea," I say gladly, as we get up.

"Well, you know, it is getting pretty late," I say as we sit on the couch together.

"Yea, but I don't want to go," Adam says getting up to get another beer.

"Neither do I," I say leaning on him as he sits back down next to me,"I kind of want to go swimming."

"What?" Adam asks in disbelief.

"Yea, I want to go swimming," I repeat smiling.

"But it's freezing outside," Adam whines.

"Your pool is heated isn't it?" I say smiling.

He contemplates it for a minute and answers me,"Fine, but you don't have a bathing suit."

"You're full of excuses. Haven't you heard of skinny dipping?" I say taking off my shirt. He gives me a mischievious smile as he takes off his shirt. I open the door and the frigid air wraps around me. I run to the edge to the edge of the pool and almost jump in, but I stop at the last minute.

"Chicken!" Adam yells from inside the house.

"I am," I yell back . He's laughing as he runs towards me, and without warning, he scoops me up in his arms and jumps into the pool. We're both stark naked, so as we hit the ice cold water, it stings my raw skin.

"Why the fuck do I listen to you?" Adam says laughing,"It's so fucking cold!"

"You forgot to heat up the pool," I say, emphasizing the 'you',"Maybe if we swim around we'll get use to it."

"That's if we don't freeze to death," Adam says swimming to me,"I propose... that we don't get sick and die, and jump into the jacuzzi."

"Ok, sure," I say, climbing out of the pool, ok so maybe swimming at night in the cold was a bad idea at the time.

"Thank God!" Adam yelps, jumping out of the pool and running into the jacuzzi. We both get in and the heat is shocking, but it's not too much.

"Now this is better, isn't it?" Adam asks me, as he gets comfortable.

"Yea," I say, sighing as my body gets use to the heat. I look up at the dark sky and see the moon is bright and shining, but the city lights made the stars shy. I look back at Adam and the moonlight is laying on him like a blanket making him look beautiful. Not sexy. Not hot. But beautiful. I don't know any other way to explain him than beautiful. The moon brings out his hazel eyes and outlines his tattoos in silver. As I stare at his beautiful figure he submerges himself into the steaming water.

-Adam's P.O.V.-

When I come back up, I turn to Whiskey and the moonlight is kissing her so gently, it magnifies her natural beauty. Her big blue eyes are sparkling, and her pale lips are contrasting with her olive skin. They look so cold, making me want to warm them up with mine. She looks so angelic. She's exactly what I imagine the Greek goddess, Aphrodite, would look like. Young, beautiful, and exotic.

"You look so beautiful," I whisper softly, letting my voice get carried by the gentle wind.

"You're just drunk," She says blushing. I love how every time I compliment her, she blushes and tries not to believe me.

"No, well yea, I am drunk. But I've always thought of you as beautiful," I tell her, gliding through the water toward her, keeping my shoulders submerged. She's sitting down in the jacuzzi, so I place my arms on her soft legs, and rest my head on my hands.

"Thank you," She says gently, running her hands through my hair. Her touch is so gently and soothing I start to close my eyes. We sit there for a bit, and I think I numb her legs because after a bit, she gently lifts my head, signaling for me to stand up, and submerges herself in the water.

"Wow, that's really hot," She says as she comes up, wiping the water from her eyes.

"I'm sorry. Should I get out?" I say casually, giving her a sheepish smile.

"Really?" She says, sarcasticly. I smile as I go to sit and let the jets massage my back as I lean my head back and close my eyes. A few minutes pass by until I feel Whiskey sit on my lap, facing me, and I open my eyes to look at her, siling back at me.

"I'm tired," I say, resting my head, sideways, on her boobs, as she caresses my head with her soft, nimble fingers. We sit there for a while and I take in her heat as she rests her chin on my head. It's such a peacful night. The cars just a ways off, sound like a rushing river, and the crickets sing their songs of loneliness. I just take it all in and smile at how perfect this day went.

"Adam," Whiskey whispers in my ear, with her arms around me and her right hand playing with the hairs at the base of my head.

"Yes?" I mumble, wrapping my arms around her.

"Do you... Do you ever think about us?" She asks me.


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