Chicago Fire/Chicago Police Department Annual BBQ

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(Credit to Derek and his Q&A's that he does. Because somewhat of this chapter is based off of that. So All credit goes to Derek Haas!)

(October 5,2017)

Lacie was showing by now, so she put some leggings on, and a sweater. Then put some boots on. Jessa put some jeans, and a cute sweater, then some boots as well. Lane and Jay well, they wore some Jeans and A polo.

"Mom,I am gonna need some new clothes, soon!" yelled Lacie

"Lace,We can go tomorrow if you want. I was going shopping with your Aunt Nadia." said Erin


"Erin, how are you alright with Lacie having a baby?" asked Jay

"Why wouldn't I be. I should be the one mad, you got a women pregnant in High School last time I checked. So Be Happy for her."

"Mom has a point there Dad!" yelled Lane

"Shut it Lane!" 

"Oh,by the way. You guys are gonna have to get some sercurity cameras or an alarm system,because some broke in last month." 

"Lane,you couldn't tell us this when we came back from Hawaii?" asked Jay 

"Well,I forgot until now." 

"Get in the car!" said Jay 

Lane walked out side to the car and walked right back in.

"Yeah,no. I will be back." said Lane

"Why? Get your butt into the car!" yelled Jay 

"Dad,I am gonna grab a jacket before I do anything. It's cool outside." said Lane

"Lane,you are such a sissie.Oh shit. Jessa,Jay grab a jacket." yelled Jay 

Jay walked outside to the car and started it. Lacie walked down the stairs. 

"Lace,you look amazing!" excalimed Erin 

"Mom,I am fat. I can't fit into any of my clothes." 

"Well,I could see if any of my maternity stuff might fit you." 

"You honestly think it'll fit me." 

"Get your butt into the car!" 

Erin walked out behind the younger twins,then got into the car herself. They drove to where the barbeque was at. 

"Michael,Paisley and Mason put on a jacket before you come out of your rooms!" yelled Kim 

"But Mom!" said Mason 

"No buts, Put on a jacket."

Kim,Adam and her kids left late,well with three kids you forget alot. 

"Lacie!" said Chris 

"Hey! Your Daughter is doing great." 

"You find out the gender without me?" asked Chris

"No,you silly. I want a girl." 

"Oh alright." 

Chris and Lacie got some food. The kids were playing somewheres. 

"Jessa,Jay come eat!" yelled Erin 

Jessa and Jay came running towards their table along with all of the other kids. 

"Camille, Collin. Come eat guys. Then you can go play!" said Gabby 

"Can we sit at a different table Mom?" asked Camille 

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