His First Day

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(Idea credit to Derek Haas,Michael Brandt and Matt Olmstead. It's the Federal Task force thing, It's Withl,, Jay.)

"Jay,Have a great Day at work." said Erin

"I love you and Hope you enjoy Roman as your partner."

Jay walked over to Erin and kissed her.

"I will. Please be careful. I love you!"

"Daddy,Daddy! Wait." yelled Jessa

"What Jessa?" Jay picked her up.

"I love you! And Please be careful."

"I love you too Jessa Camille. Have a great day."

"Jay,you look good in a suit."

"Well Thank you."

Jay walked out the door then Lacie walked downstairs.

"Hey Mom!"

"Hey Lacie. What are you doing up?"

"I need to talk to you."

"About what? Are you pregnant again."

"No. Never again. Mom,What do you think about helping me put Greyson in school. So I can go to College and graduate."

"Yeah. I'll talk to your Dad tonight."

"Jay Halstead."

"Special Agent Kent! This is your partner Kristen James."

"Hey Kristen. Call me Jay or Halstead."

Jay walked out to the front to see Erin and JJ and Jessa. They walked into the building,and stopped at the Desk.

"Erin Halstead. I am here to see Jay Halstead."

"I'll call him."

"Jay Halstead. You're needed downstairs."

"I gotta go. My wife and twins are meeting me for lunch."

Kristen looked at Jay weirdly, then looked down at his ring.

"Dad!" yelled JJ

"JJ,How's my favorite boy doing?"

"Dad!" said Jessa

"Hey Jessa!"
Jay hugs the twins.

"JJ,Jessa,Erin there's someone I want you to meet."

The family walked upstairs. Jay's partner came over.

"Erin,This is my partner Kirsten James."

"Hey Erin! Are these your children?"
Kirsten walked over to Erin.

"Yes. Jessa and JJ!"

"Hi!" said Jessa

"So Dad,this is where you work at?" asked JJ


"That's cool!"

"Lane we have to go. I have my doctor's appointment today."

"Let's go then. I love you Brynley."

"I'm 18. And Pregnant. And I'm going to college next year.

"Brynley,you're going to be the best Mom."

"Lane,How do you know. For all we know I could be pregnant with more than one kid."

"Whoa,Don't jinx us. I don't wanna have more than one."

Lane started the car, and drove to the Doctor's office.

"Brynley Edwards. Here for Dr. Reynolds."

"Right this way." The nurse pointed to the room where Lane and Brynley are supposed to go.

"The Doctor should be in shortly."

"Lane,I love you. I want to have a girl so she can bother you."

"Gosh. "

"You know you'll spoil her."

"Hi Dr. Reynolds."

Brynley climbed up on the table,and Dr. Reynolds put the gel on her.

"Brynley,Lane. You two are having twins. I hope your excited."

"Lane. You jinxed us!"

"Sorry. I'm a twin. I have twin siblings. It was bound to happen."

"Lane, Your an idiot."
Brynley slapped him.

"Well,I know it was bound to happen. Gosh!"

"You're also 6 weeks. Come back in a couple for the next appointment. See you then!"

"Lane,Twins. Twins. We are having twins."

"Yeah. We are going to be ok. I promise. We are going to be the best parents ever!"

Brynley and Lane walked out holding hands. Lane started the car then drove to Erin and Jay's house

"Mmm,Mom it smells good in here."

"This smell is making me wanna vomit." Brynley runs to the bathroom and pukes.

"Bryn,Are you ok?"

"No! Lane go away."

"Mom! Jay won't stop! He won't stop bothering me. Please do something!" yelled Jessa

"Jessa,Jay. Every time I come over you two are fighting. Stop! Lacie and I never fought this much. So you shouldn't." said Lane,

"He's a butthead though."

"Jessa,Your a butthead!"

"Hey,Hey. Shut up both of you!" yelled Lacie

"If you two don't stop. I will punish the two of you. And you won't eat dinner!"

"Mom! It's mostly Jessa. She won't stop coming into my room."

"JESSA CAMILLE! Stop aggravating him!"

JJ looked at Jessa.

"Mom! I didn't do anything."

"I don't care. Both of you get your asses on the couch if you're going to act up! Your Dad'll be home soon." Yelled Erin


"When did she get so mean." said Jessa

"I heard that!"

Jay walked in the door, and kissed Erin.

"Babe,I love you!"

"I love you too. Please take care of your kids. They're being bad."

"Which kids? Lacie,Lane,Isaiah, or Jessa and Jay."

"Jay,Don't act stupid. The twins."

"Jessa,Jay. Stop! Hey Lane! Hey Lacie! Where's Brynley?"

"She's in the bathroom. I will tell you the news when you get out. We went to the ob/gyn."

"I'm out. Let's tell them."

"I'm pregnant with Twins." said Brynley

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