"I guess it's gonna have to hurt"

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(Title credit to Carrie Underwood)

"Lane,Are they going to be ok?" asked JJ

"Jay,I don't know bud. I know they are strong."

JJ walked over to the glass and stood there while The Doctor's were helping Jay. JJ slid down the wall and sat with his knees in front of him.

"JJ,We gotta go." said Lacie

"I'm not going. I can't go. What if Mom and Dad wake up and I'm not here. They'll be disappointed."

"JJ, Mom and Dad won't be waking up anytime soon bud." said Lane

Lacie walked out and Let Lane talk to him. She walked over to Jessa.

"Jessa,We gotta go." said Lacie

"NO! I'm not going." yelled Jessa


"LACIE,I HATE YOU!" yelled Jessa

Jessa ran into her Mom's room and sat next to her.
"Mom. Please. Please be ok. I promise to not be bad anymore.i
I'm sorry."

"Juliet. Come see." said Lacie

"What's wrong?"

"Mommy and Daddy are hurt right now. You are going to stay the night at Grandpa's ok. Then tomorrow I will bring you to school."


"Come on Jules. Come see." said Hank
Jules held his hand then walked out the door with him.
"Jessa,JJ come on. We gotta go." said Lane

"No! I'm not going Lane. I don't wanna go." yelled Jay

"You two have school tomorrow and I have work. We have to go. Chris,Grab him and I'l grab Jessa."

Chris picked JJ up and Lans picked Jessa.
"STOP! Put me down." Jessa yelled

"You have to go to school tomorrow."

Later that night Lacie went to go call Erin,but then she realized that she was in a coma.

"I HATE THIS!" yelled Lacie

"Shh. It's going to be ok."

"Chris,How do you know my Mom and Dad are in the hospital. I don't know what to do. Jessa and Jay aren't doing good. Jules doesn't understand. I-I don't know."

"Momma." said Grey

"Hey Grey. What's wrong?"

Grey walked over to Lacie and Chris.
"Nothing. I love you."

"Fuck!" yelled Lane

"Lane,Chill. What's wrong?"

"You were there. My Mom and Dad. They almost died. I almost lost the people that mean the most to me. They saved me. My Dad he gave me life and now He's clinging to it. I-I can't believe this happened. I just don't get it. The two people who do good everyday. They fight crime,they battle the bad guys off. They are the ones that get hurt."

"Lane, I'm sorry. The Boys are wondering when you are coming to say goodnight."

"I'm coming."

Lane walked upstairs and sat next to the boys' bed.

"Goodnight Liam,Goodnight Lane. I love you both."

"Goodnight Dad. Goodnight Mom." said Liam

"Goodnight Liam."

Hank walked upstairs gave Juliet a bath, then put her down for bed.
"Goodnight Jules."

He then walked over to Jessa and Jay's bedroom.
"Lights out!"

"Alright Grandpa." said JJ

Jessa was in her bed underneath the covers crying.
"Jessa,You ok?" asked Hank

"No. Leave me alone."

Hank unclocked the door and sat on the bed.
"Jessa,I know this is hard. Your parents are the strongest I know. They'll wake up. I promise."

"Grandpa. How? I don't want them to die. I want them awake and alive. Where they are taking care of JJ,Jules and I. Why does God do this?"

"Jessa,I don't know. But It's going to make us stronger."

"Grandpa,What if they never wake up. What'll happen?"

"You'll come live with me and your brothers and sister"

"Let me tell you a story." said Hank


"When your Mom was 15. My wife and I saved her because her Mom was a junkie and her dad was in Jail. She was starved, she never knew when she would get her next meal."

"I didn't know you saved her."

"There's a lot you don't know."

"I love you Grandpa. Thank you."

"It's my job."

"Will, Wake up." said Dr. Tramble

"What's wrong? Is it Jay and Erin?"

"Yeah. Their blood levels are lowering. We don't know why."

Will jumped up and ran to their bedrooms.

"Isaiah,What's wrong?"

"Their blood levels are lowering. It's not looking too good Will,I mean Dr. Halstead."

"It looks like there's internal bleeding in the both of them. We gotta get them to surgery."

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