There day out(again told in blazes pov)

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I woke up and remembered Today was the day in which blaze finds a group of friends and the fact they all seemed familiar and especially the silver hedgehog with the gorgeous honey eyes(im a guy so don't judge when i put the word cute or gorgeous etc.) Wait silver was it would you like to go for a walk and talk? There you go blaze don't freak out he will say yes he cant deny that request-!? I'd love to blaze, guys you mind waiting for me and blaze to get back? Don't worry silver they can stay in the castle i will alert the guards to let them in and give them guest rooms! Oh! Okay blaze see you around silv! See you guys! Okay silver you ready for that walk? Sure blaze, so do you remember anything? Sigh! Sorry I'm afraid i don't! When she said that she had an expression of one that felt extremely sad! Silver notice the expression and said, hey don't be sad its not your fault now give me a smile please? Then blaze smiles but silver notices its a pity smile. Come on blaze give me your real smile your beautiful one! Did he say my beautiful? Blaze blushes and smiles the most greatest smile! Silver smiled and held out his hand and said hold on! Hold on what does he mean by that? Silver what do you mean by thahhhhh! By this time she was yanked up into the sky! She was sorrounded by a cyan aura. Ahh silver what are you and what are you doing? Put me down! Relax blaze were almost at the lake or park i don't know its an area with a lake and trees. Why are we flying? Uhh its faster! He said with a smirk. God why is such a naive idiot, blaze calm down its just a joke! No its not he wont answer! Blaze hello you there your just zoning out? Yes i'm fine, now tell me how we were flying? Blaze don't you remember i have telekinesis? NO I DON'T STOP ASKING THAT, I DON'T REMEMBER YOU SO STOP ASKING OK! Blaze said this in an extremely harsh tone that crushed silvers heart. Silver's ears went flat and his eyes were glistening with tears that he was holding back. Ok sorry blaze it was just a question! He said on the breach of crying! Blaze why did you have to say that? Because hes annoying he keeps asking if i remember him or that when i don't! But blaze you do! Silver look im sorr-!?? Silver where did you go? Ooh cliffhanger im just evil see you in the next part also vote and favorite this story thanks riders out

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