The reason(told in blazes pov)

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Alright guys before we do this chapter i have to digress when i said i wont update in a while i meant after i publish There day,the heartbreak, and note# 2 i would immediately publish two more parts this one and the next but after that it will be awhile before the next part will be up because i have to focus on school! Anyway I've been ranting for awhile now lets get to the story... Sigh! Why did he have to go and run off like that? I was about to apologize and he runs away! Silver! Silver where are you? This is the point when silver hides just seeing if you guys are paying attention! Blaze now stops in front of some tree and bushes! Silver damn where did he go? I hope he's alright i shouldn't have yelled! I mean what i said wasn't not entirely true! I sorta remeber h-!? At this time silver fell out of the bushes! Blaze was mad but more happy to see him! So she ran up to hug him! Silver thank god your alright! Oh my god why am i hugging him? Blaze starts blushing! Blaze stop blushing you idiot your gonna embarass yourself! Its not like you have a crush on him! I mean he is cute and wait cute i cant beleive i just thought that! Look silver i shouldn't have yelled it was wrong of me! Blaze im not mad! What? I would be mad if someone yelled that to me so why not him? Blaze aren't you mad? You just caught me eavesdropping! Silver that doesn't matter lets just walk, walk not fly back to the castle! Because im not going through that again! Seriously why aren't you mad? Oh my god if he doesn't stop asking that im going to punch him! Silver are we going or what? Fine lets go! But what did you mean by that was not entirely not true? Sigh! Silver listen about four years ago, i have been having nightmares about me and a silver hedgehog fighting some monster! Silver i think that hedgehog was you! So you do remember me? No but the reason i want to go on this walk is to find out more about you and why I've dreamt about you when i never even met you. Blaze don't you get it your subconscious mind is showing you memories of an alter timeline of a different version of you! So thats why my mind knew you! But silver i want to know more about you like your childhood and your life! Sigh! Whats wrong silver? Well i didn't have the greatest childhood! Alright im gonna end here! Ha remember how short these chapters were well im at around 500 words! Well anyways you know the drill! Vote and favorite! And if you want to ask me something just leave a comment! But not always will i be able to answer them! Riders out!

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