The letter(short)

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Blazes pov... When blaze got home she couldn't find silver anywhere but she pulled out the letter that he gave her.
Dear Blaze, i know that you don't remember me at all but deep down i believed you do, even though you said you didn't so i gave you this letter to explain the promise i made you four years ago. You see the part in the story i didn't tell you was, there was this girl that looked lost. And i thought she was the most beautiful girl i have ever seen. So i called for her, she said she needed to get back to her home. And i said i promise, then iblis attacked us and she asked who that was. And i thought it was weird so i explained it to her. We then made fast friends. And we both made a promise to save the world at any cost. So we did, but little did i know that it meant her sacrifice. It devastated me when that time came. So she died, or so i thought because one year later while i was living in sonics timeline. You were alive. Blaze that girl was you.
So i wrote this letter because if you remember i promised you i would finish this story, and tell you this. I always wanted to tell you something but was always too afraid to do. Blaze i wanted to tell you 'i love you.' But by the time your reading this i will probably be gone, I'm sorry.
After reading the letter blaze had both tears of joy and sadness in her eyes. She just lost the guy she possibly would of loved for the rest of her life, because she was stubborn. She wanted to go chase down silver and tell him that she loved him, and that what she said was a lie. Because she does remember her him. You see after finishing the letter she had final flashbacks that told all of her time with silver. So blaze got up and ran to find silver before he leave's. Ooh cliffhanger, will blaze get to silver in time or not? And i have sad news this story is nearing completion but you guy's vote if i should write a second story. Anyway as always vote and comment below. Riders out.

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