She's like a cat.

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Hey fellow whovians. Thankyou for reading my story. There's not going to be much continuity in the story since I'm not very good at Clara's character yet and still a bit weak on the Doctor's.  I hope you like it though. 

Bowties and scarves,



After the Doctor got out of his embarrassment, his and Clara's dinner went well. It was kind of like a date. They swaped stories, talked about old friends, Clara flirted a bit. All good stuff. However they still went to their own beds. The Doctor didn't sleep. He just ran aroung his room looking for his fez, he had hidden it there since Clara, Amy, River and Jack had sworn to burn it if they saw it again. He managed to find it under a pile of jackets, dress shirts, trousers, and bowties. When he put the fez on he jumped in front of the mirror, he liked how the fez looked on him.

"Doctor?" Clara knocked on the door of his room.

He quickly took his fez off and held it behind his back. "Yes Clara?" He liked saying her name, so he said it whenever he could.

"Can I come in?" She asked

"Sure, come on in!" He threw the fez under his bed and straightened his bowtie, the only thing he was missing was his jacket. Other then that his suspenders were there, as were his trousers and his bowtie and shirt.

She opened the door and stepped in. "I don't think the TARDIS likes me."

"Why would you think that? She's just picky."

"On Ahkaten she wouldn't let me in when I was basically lost. She also seems to have a habit of making things dissapear when I need them." Clara explained looking up slightly.

"Don't worry, she's like a cat. Takes her a while to like you." He smiled and spun around "Now where did I put my clean jacket?"

"Same place as your fashion sense I suppose." She replied smiling. 

"Oi! Bowties and jackets are cool!"

"Who taught you how to dress?"

"I did."

"That explains it."

"Explains what?"

"Your lack of fashion sense."

"I don't lack it! I just don't pay attention to it." He crossed his arms childishly.

"Right Doctor." She grinned largely. "I'll see you in the console room." She walked out, she did love teasing him. Now to see how he took it.


The Doctor fished in his drawers. No fashion sense eh? He put on his jacket and walked out. He didn't have any clothes too change into in these drawers, he'd have to go to the other one. He was in the console room by now and saw Clara.

"Clara, when's your birthday?" He asked non-chalantly.

"November 23rd. Why?"

"Just wondering." He never really did care about birthdays, people usually saw trips with him as a never ending birthday present. He'd have to think up something brilliant, something even better than an alien planet. 

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