➸ Hurricane

383 44 18

Ashley's point of view

I started to walk as soon my co-worker, Calum, locked the bar where both of us work.

I'm going to take a long walk From the bar where I work, Then pass a Ghetto Neighborhood, Then to an Old Abandoned Mansion that I sometimes call Home. But that's where I actually decided to stay for a while.

I sighed loudly when it started raining and I'm not even close to any store I could stay for a while. Well, actually there is this old abandoned shop, Where I could stay but just walking pass it sends shivers down to my spine, But I don't want to take some money from my savings and spend it on my medicine if I got sick, Or take some money from my savings for a taxi, Fuck, We have some hard decision making here.

"I don't mind if you stayed here for a while, I would like a little company."  I heard a deep, raspy, british voice whispered, I shivered.

I looked around to see no one.

I continued walking, as I sweat from nervousness and I looked beside me, to see a shadow of a hanging man appeared. I looked back to see any hanging man but again I saw no one and nothing again. Fuck this shit, I'm taking some money from my savings and spend it on a taxi, I started walking a little faster.

"Come back, love." The voice from earlier whispered again, "We'll have tons on fun." He added. "You're not coming with me? You're going to regret it, love."  He whispered again and I felt two huge hands cupped both of my cheeks and kissed my forehead.

I stopped walking when I saw an unoccupied taxi, I immediately held my hand out and yelled "Taxi!" Like how normal people do.

The taxi slowly went towards me, And I walked aside and The driver opened the door, I entered the taxi, Taking a seat next to the driver.

I told the driver where he's going to drop me and closed the door shut.

He decided to break the silence and ask me.

"I don't see you around here, Are you new?" He asked.

"Uhm yes."

"I mean, I've been a Taxi driver for years here and I don't see much pretty-faced girls around here, But mostly greasers." He smirked.

"Oh, Uhm I started working in a bar a week ago and I actually walk from Home to The Bar and to The Bar and back to Home or Should I say The Old Abandoned Mansion I found a nd decided to stay in there for a while." I shrugged.

"Soo you're trespassing?"  The driver asked.
"Well yes, If that's you call it."  I replied shamefully.
"Don't worry I won't tell anyone." He said and smiled.

His left hand let go of the grip on the steering wheel and he extended his hand to me and He introduced hisself, "I'm Tyler by the way."  I shook his hand and Introduced myself "I'm Ashley."

"Soo is this your stop?"  Tyler asked. "Yes."  I answered. I payed him and Gave him a 20$ tip. "Wait, Wait, Wait!"  Tyler yelled. "What is it?"  I asked. "I'm not accepting your tip."  He gave me a genuine smile and he pulled my hand and placed the crumpled 20$ and he squeezed my hand. "But can I have your phone number instead?" He asked. "Of course." I answered. We switched phone and putted eachbother's phone number in.

I walked slowly towards The Old Abandoned Mansion, The scent of roses and petrichore filling my nose.

Luckily the raining has stopped.

I took a cigarette from my bag and lighted it up, Placing it to my lips gently.

I took my phone and earphones in my bag and I dropped my bag infront of the mansion's doorstep.

I started playing some songs from my phone, Putting the earbuds in my ears, I closed my eyes twirling around making my skirt flow.

I dropped my cigarette and stepped on it.

I walked towards the old wrecked mossy fountain, I adored it's beauty even though it's been wrecked and disregarded by much people, But not much people appreciate it's beauty, Just because it's been here for years serving other people with it's beautiful features and abilities to amaze them too, And it doesn't mean it wouldn't give up and get stuck-up, And people will change it's opinion on it and destroy it slowly and encourage the owner to replace it.

Just like how he treated me.

He made me feel special and after a long time of relationship, I started having bruises, cuts and feelings I started seeing his true colors he doesn't love me, he played and used me and I feel extremely pathetic for loving someone who will only love me for my features and abilities but wouldn't appreciate my heart and my friends would make it even worse and his friends would encourage him to replace me with someone with a fake face and low abilities with an ugly heart.

"Why am I soo blind?" I questioned myself tears rolling down my face, I took a seat beside the fountain leaning on it for support.

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