Chapter ➸ Two

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Ashley's point of view

I pulled my iPhone out of my pocket and called my bestfriend, michael. That moron could cheer me up any time and any day. It took 3 rings before he answered.

"HELLO ASHLEY!" he shouted thru his phone like a little, kid.

"Well, someone's hyped-up." I whispered.

"I heard youuu." he whined .

"Whatev-" i was cutted of by him.


"Oops, sorry." He apologized, well he's not just my bestfriend for 10 years. He's also my roommate and he know that i'm more of a dog person. I never liked cats.

"By the way, michael. Pick me up?" I asked, hoping for an answer that's a 1 word with 3 letters.

"No." He said, blankly.

"I'm in front of your favourite pizzeria." I smirked when i said that.

"Be there in 6, bye." He quickly cutted the call.
I waited for him patiently. Until i realized it's been 6 minutes.

I rolled my eyes starting to get impatient.

I felt 2 light taps on my shoulder and turned around to see me cute blue haired moron.

"Told you i'll be here in 6." He said, punching my shoulder lazily.

I smirked and suggested him to buy pizza, and eat it at our apartment.


"I WANNA SHOW YOU MY KITTIES!" he shouted in a pitched voice.

"Oh c'mon don't roll your eyes on me Ms. Frangipane." He rolled his eyes back at me.

We went to the elevator pressing the button number '3'.

As we get out of the elevator he sprinted to our room.

"Can you hurry up?!" He snapped.

"Yes." I said, sarcastically. And a sarcastic smile.

I'm finally in front of him, holding his 'box of happiness'.

"GET IN, GET IN, GET IN!" He said, excitedly. Pushing me in.

"ASHLEY THIS IS ASHLEY. I NAMED HER AFTER YOU BECAUSE I WANTED TO." He said happily and cockily bringing a small kittenonto his lap with a white fur.

"AND THIS LITTLE GUY! I NAMED HIM AFTER ME. BECAUSE I ALSO WANTED TOO." Bringing another kitten onto his lap with brown fur.

"Moron number two." I laughed, as i quickly grabbed his 'box of happiness' and quickly running to the bathroom and locked myself in, While the kittens distracted him.

"ASHLEY, NO MY BABIES!" He dramatically shouted.

"BUY YOUR OWN!" I shouted back as i laughed.

"THAT'S NOT FAIR I BROUGHT IT!" He shouted back too.

I didn't replied trying to hold my laughter.

"FINE! I'LL BUY ANOTHER ONE!" He shouted, Giving up.

"I'll throw away your kittens." I said as i opened the door to see him leaving.

"I swear to god, ashley." He said seriously, pointing at me.

"Can't wait to meet satan!" I said clapping my hands.

"PIZZAAAAA." He whined running to the bathroom locking himself inside.

I smirked at my plan and quickly placed a chair in front of the door, putting tons of heavy stuffs on it.

I tried to hold my laughter and i quickly changed into my pj's.

I turned of the lights' and quickly went to bed.

I want to see his expression tomorrow.

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