Chapter ➸ Four

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Michael's point of view

"Soo, Uhhh-ashley. Do-you wan-na-go out with..."

I was going to ask her to go out with me but instantly regreting it, But what if when she said 'I love you too' she ment she only loves me like a brother. But what if she's joking? What if she said 'no' ?

"with-me?" I finally got it off my mouth getting ready to get an answer with two letters.

"Of course!" She said with a huge smile.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Ashley, i promise i'm not going to mess this up!" I thanked her tons of times promising her that i'm not going to mess this up!

"Right now?" She asked.

"Yes, right now." I said kissing her cheek.

Grabbing her hand and tugging it.

"Let me change, Mike." She said, giggling.

Ashley's point of view

After we changed our clothes we went outside the city and it took only twenty-seven minutes since michael like's fast car rides.

I badly wanted to jump out of this convertible soo bad since i'm really really scared, To get in an accident.

"We're here." He said, Stopping the car. I looked around and realised that we're in the woods.

And it's really angelic.

I hopped off the car and continue to look around to find a small but stunning pond with ducks walking around it.

I smiled at the view and felt light taps on my shoulder and i turned around to see a picnic basket and a picnic blanket laying on the grass.

"I wasn't expecting that tho." I said giggling and kissed michael's cheek.
"What time is it now?" I asked yawning.

"6:09 pm." He replied.

We laid down on the blanket and admire the wonderful sunset.

Few moments later we heard random creepy sounds and i wanna slam SOMEBODY'S head on a tree soo bad. I wanna go back in the city.

"Michael let's go." I said, tugging michael's arm.

"Michael, c'mon. I'm not joking." I said starting to get worried.

I shook his body but i didn't get a response.

"Michael, it's getting dark and you're making me have a pannic attack." I said as i sweat.

I moved his head so his face is facing me now and i grabbed my iPhone inside my pocket and turned on the flashlight.

"No, No, No! Michael!" I yelled as i cry.

I holded his wrist and looked for his pulse, and when i found it. It's slowing down.

Author's note:

Find out in the next chapter :)

All the love. K x

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