Chapter ➸ Ten

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Ashley's point of view

I woke up, to see a beautiful view.

And stretched my body when i was stretching i saw another bed.

Does anyone sleeps here or is it just me?

I stood up and looked around i looked at the wall clock and it's...

10:13 am

Well, where am i anyway?

"Hello?" I said loudly.

"Anyone here?" I added.

I wandered around and i saw a creamy white colored door with a gold frame and door knob.

I opened it to see the curly-haired man in the shower.

"Oh my god i'm soo sorry."

I apologised, turning around so my back is facing him now and closing the door shut.

Oh, wait.

It's not my fault.

He didn't answered me earlier.

I rolled my eyes and i remembered what happened yesterday.

And i started sweating.

Maybe i should escape while he's in the shower.

I looked around and searched for another door.

There's no door beside the shower.


I started to feel dizzy and i went to sit at the bed.

My head hurts.

I laid down trying to go back to sleep.

I felt my eyes are going to pop off,

My bones are going to break,

And my skin going to be teared.

"You're looking for a door, aye?"

"You're with me."

"You're not going to leave me."

"You're Mine now."

I heard my bones pop and my skin getting teared apart.


I felt my arms are pinned down to the bed.

And all i saw is all black.

Harry's point of view

She's not going to leave me.

I own her now.

No one will take her away from me.

I need her help.

Author's Note:

Hi :)

Sorry for not updating for days.

I don't feel well.

Short chapter :P

All the love. K x

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