Chapter ➸ Seven

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Ashley's point of view

As i saw michael fainted, I tried to get off the ghost's grip.

Well, i don't know if he's a ghost or not. But i'm gonna call him that for now.

I tried to yell michael's name but i can't and the last person i saw is, michael and my vision turned black.

Harry's point of view

I smirked as i felt her stop moving.

No, I'm not going to kill her.


I dropped her and went to her boyfriend.

I let out an evil laugh and picked him up.

What should i do to him?

I decided to continue what i was doing earlier.

Pull his arms off his body.

I pulled his left arm and dragged him outside.

So i couldn't disturb his girlfriend sleeping.

I smirked, fun time.

I pulled each of my fingers making popping sounds.

I grabbed the guy by his neck and lifted his neck like i did to his girlfriend and left his neck to his left arm and right arm.

Pulling his arms off his body.

As i heard the popping sounds from his body i pulled his arms off his body putting more force.

I already got his left arm out of his body and i looked at the guy's face to see he's been crying.

Do i look like i care?

I pulled his right arm and threw it aside.


I left his useless body where i dropped him when i pulled his arms off.

What should i do now?

I smirked as i thought of burning his body, throwing it onto a lake or feed it to my pet wolves.

Author's Note:

You guys are welcome(:

Mikey is dead.

All the love. K x

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