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"What are you two doing out of class?"

"What about you princess? What are you doing out of class?" Jack answers.

"I have you know I have a bathroom pass," Elsa says holding up a a wooden stick. On the front it clearly says "bathroom pass."

"Also I recently became a Queen so I am no longer a princess," Elsa says, her voice cold.

"Sorry but you are still a princess to me," Jack says smoothly, hoping to get a reaction out of Elsa.

Elsa looks away from Jack and Anna. Her face a little flustered.

"Well I must get to class now," Anna bursts out with happiness once again. She scurries off down the hallway and makes a right. Jack turns to watch her disappear.

Thanks Anna for putting me in an awkward position.

Jack turns back to Elsa and says, "Haha, got to get to class too, you know. See you later princess."

Jack flashes her a big smile and waves slightly and turns away.

"Jack. What were you and Anna doing out here by yourself," Elsa calls out with a touch of jealously in her voice.

Jack turns around slowly. "Look princess. I really need to get to class. Talk to you later, k?"

Elsa looks at Jack with anger, "Fine." She turns on her heel with a huff and walks down the opposite end of the hallway that Anna retreated from earlier.

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