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Since she didn't, Jack has been worried nonstop about Elsa. Also to make matters worse, Elsa had to be sitting right in front of him in their next class.

Damit Elsa. Why can't I just know if you do or not so I can keep going. I want to move pass this if you don't! Maybe it would be better if I ask but then...

"Jack can I borrow some paper?"

Jack snapped back into reality from his own thoughts. He looked up to the cheery voice.

"Sure Elsa. Here take another one just in case you need it later, okay?" Jack unzips his blue backpack and pulls out a white binder. Opening the binder quietly, he pulls out two sheets of notebook paper and hands it to Elsa.


"Thanks," she says turning back around in the seat, her white braided hair flipping. Then it just swings back and forth.

Back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. Jack looks away dizzy.

That is it! I'll ask her. Rejected or not I'll deal with the awnser she gives me. It's better than suffering through whether or not she does.

Jack pulls out another sheet of notebook paper from his white binder. He leaves the binder to hang off the edge of his desk and then quietly starts writing.

"Elsa, you like me or not? Yes or no? Maybe or sort of? Please send back to the most handsome frost guy you know! -JF"

Jack folds the paper in half and then half again. He slips it into Elsa's open purple shoulder bag.

"Mr. Frost what did you just slip into that young lady's bag?"

Jack jumps in his seat and stares at the teacher. He shakes his head no like, "please, don't mess this up, please!"

The teacher obviously didn't get the message.

"Young lady can I please see your bag," the teacher says pointing to Elsa.

"Mam, I would prefer if you didn't. If Jack really put something into my bag, I'm sure it isn't going to hurt me in any way. I trusted him. It is not going to harm me. Its probably just some notes I leant him earlier and he is just returning it," Elsa says confidently.

The teacher looks at her suspiciously. She narrows her eyes and says firmly, "I want to see that note, now."

Jack was launched into full panic mode right now. He knew that this teacher reads notes and stuff out loud. He remembered what happened to Rapunzel when she was trying to give a note to this girl named Mulan.

Rapunzel was handing the note to Mulan when the teacher snapped it up. The teacher looked at for a second and then back to Rapunzel with a sly smile. At that moment all hope was lost in Rapunzel's big shiny eyes.

{Jelsa} - My Princess, My QueenWhere stories live. Discover now