Please Take My Hand

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Class was boring as usual for Jack. So to keep himself occupied, he created a little snow bunny to play with. However the bunny got destroyed by the teacher when he found it. Jack failed to answer the question because he didn't know what the question was.

"You sir need to pay attention in class and stop using your powers in school," the teacher said as he smashed his beautiful bunny.

When the teacher turned around to walk to the front, Jack held up his hand making a puppet. He moved his fingers so his hand seemed like a mouth.

"Yes sir, I'll try to pay attention to the lesson better, my bad." Jack said while making the puppet's mouth copy him. This got him a few laughs and he smiled.

The teacher turned around and gave the class a dirty look. Then he turned back around. "Now class because Jack wasn't paying attention, I have a feeling some of you weren't as well. So," the teacher says erasing the notes that the class was supposed to be copying down, from the white board, "Pop quiz tomorrow over what we just took notes over. You have the rest of the class to study those notes."

The class groaned, including Jack. Jack also got dirty looks from those around him. He just shrugged his shoulders and looked out the window.

I could make a snow day tomorrow so that way we wouldn't have to take the quiz. I could then look up whatever we were studying on the internet later. Or I could ask Elsa for her notes since she has this class later. If I did that I could take the test tomorrow.

Or I could make a snow day...

The bell finally rang and Jack shot from his seat, running from the classroom. He wanted to get to Elsa's class and walk to their next one together.

He slides in front of the classroom just as Elsa was walking out.

Perfect timing.

"Hello princess! How was class?" He says his hand out stretched. He was trying to be a gentleman.

Elsa ignores his hand and brushes past him. She starts walking the opposite direction that Jack originally came from. Jack stares at her and then realizes that he wanted to walk to class with her, not watch her walk to class. A slight blush appears on his face when he catches up to her.

"It was fine," Elsa says smiling, "I figured out a new trick to my snow powers when we were supposed to be studying for our test tomorrow.

Jack frowned, another test tomorrow? But he quick replaced his frown with a smile. He wanted to know this new trick that Elsa had learned.

"So what is it? You gonna show me? You know I love snow tricks!" Jack says smiling brighter while nudging Elsa gently.

They turn to the left when they hit the end of the hallway and start walking up a flight a stairs.

"Oh Jack, I'm afraid it would make you lazier though," Elsa says blushing slightly.

"Woah wait a second, you think I'm lazy?" Jack stops going up the stairs. Elsa turns around two steps above him.

"Oh, I didn't mean any offense," Elsa says softly, stepping down a step to Jack. Jack looks up to Elsa's face.

She has such a beautiful face. If only I could just touch it.

Jack stretches out his arm to touch Elsa's face...

"Hey! Jack! Elsa! What are you two doing here? We need to get to class sillies!" Jack hastily puts his arm down and they both turn to the voice.

"Oh, hello, Rapunzel..." Elsa says clearly irritated. Jack too of course was quite angered.

Elsa finally called him lazy again and he was going to use a line that he though up earlier, that would make her smile. He would touch her face and say all romantic...

"Me, lazy? No, I prefer the term selective participation."

"Hey, Rapunzel. Hair still looks good brown," Jack says flashing a smile.

"And your hair still looks good white, or is it silver? No, I think it's white." Rapunzel replies touching Jack's hair.

"It is white," Jack says looking over to Elsa.

She is clearly angered, but at what? Is she jealous of Rapunzel touching my hair? Oh, maybe what Anna told me earlier is true? Does she really? Jack instantly felt happy again.

Rapunzel lets go of his hair and walks up the stairs. Jack follows her to the top. He turns and holds out his hand to Elsa, leaning on his staff.

If she takes my hand, it's true. No mistaking it.

"Oh, look its snowing!" Rapunzel calls out.

Everyone turns to the window beside the staircase.

I didn't make it snow. I might actually get that snow day now. Ha, no quizes tomorrow. Wow look at Elsa's smile. It got a little brighter at the mention of snow like mine does. I know why don't pull a snowflake in?

Jack opens the window with the wind and pulls in a single snowflake. He has it floats between him and Elsa. He closes the window quietly, again with the wind. Elsa looks up and her face brightens even more to the snowflake.

Concentrate on not making the snowflake melt. Elsa please take my hand. Snowflake don't melt on me, please. Elsa, I have to know if it is true. Damit snowflake, why you melt? Can't you see I'm trying to be romantic here?

Elsa's smile fades a little when the snowflake dies. Looking up to Rapunzel, the smile weakens a little again. Then she turns to Jack again.

She doesn't.

{Jelsa} - My Princess, My QueenΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα