Hot Chocolate

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Turns out Jack didn't need to create a snow day after all. Nature took care of that one for him. He now has an I. O. U. to nature as well.

Jack flys outside the dorms using the wind currents that come by. He buys twenty packets of hot chocolate mix and flys over to Elsa's dorm.
He waits until his feet are back to touching the floor before knocking on the door.

He hears a series of clicks and the the door opens to a half awake Elsa.

She hand and says tiredly, "Come. Come in."

Jack walks in and dumbs the hot chocolate packets onto the small kitchen table.

"What that?" Elsa yawns out.

"Hot chocolate mix. My I. O. U. is paid off! Here I'll make you a cup."

Jack gets a white mug from the tiny cupboard and pour's milk into it. He then warms the milk up in the microwave and dumbs the coco mix in the mug. Then stirs it up with a candy cane (which he also bought) and coats it with millions of tiny marshmallows. When he hands over the finished product to Elsa, he starts to get a mug of his own but Elsa pulls on his arm.

"Just drink from mine. It is fine." She hands the mug over to him, her checks slightly tinted pink.

"Alrighty then!" Jack says feeling his face heat up.

Jack takes the mug carefully from Elsa and takes a sip from the opposite end from where she took a sip. He hands it back over and Elsa takes it smiling.

"So, are we dating now?" Elsa says quietly after taking another sip.

"I don't know. Are we, my queen?" Jack says taking the mug from her.

"I'm a qu-. Oh! That is the first time you called me a queen!" Elsa's face brightens.

"Would you rather me call you princess?" Jack takes another drink from the mug and hands it back over.

Elsa doesn't take the mug. She turns her head to the side and says, "Whatever you feel like calling me is fine."

Jack sets the mug down, his eyebrows scrunched together slightly. "I thought you were so set on being my queen and not my princess. But you can't stay a princess forever I guess. I mean I got to turn into a king someday too!" Jack looks up to her smiling.

"Alright then," Elsa picks up the mug, "until the day you become a king, I'm your princess and only yours." She takes a small drink and holds it out for Jack.

Jack takes it, their hands touching.

"Whatever you say, my princess, my queen."

{Jelsa} - My Princess, My QueenWhere stories live. Discover now