Dreams of Stars Part 4

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Kaelin's mother was not better by the next morning, nor did her condition improve the day after that. In fact, it was only getting worse. At night, curled up in her scratchy, straw bed, Kaelin cried and cried. She had been so hopeful, but that hope had lasted only a day. The medicine hadn't worked.

But at this rate... she thought in terror, At this rate, she'll... She couldn't even finish her thought. It was too terrible. Restlessly, Kaelin sat up on her knees in bed and turned to face the glassless window. Leaning her arms on the rough windowsill, she rested her chin on her wrists and stared up at the sky. The night was mostly clear, with just a few, puffy clouds reflecting the pale light of the moon. The stars were out: infinite little specks of silver against the pitch-black, velvety sky. They were so deep, so perfectly beautiful.

Stretching out into the cool night, Kaelin reached her hand toward the stars. She had always loved the stars. Some nights, they seemed right at her fingertips. Tonight, however, it felt impossible to reach them.

Just like it felt impossible to save her mother.

Kaelin began to cry again, and she didn't try to hold back her tears. She knew her mother was dying. She would die very soon if Kaelin didn't do something. But what could she do? Even the special medicine made of mermaid's tears hadn't worked. There was nothing left to be done.

No, there had to be something. She couldn't just give up. In the corner of Kaelin's mind hovered a dark possibility. With a little shudder, she lay back down on her bed and pulled the quilts over her.

There was someone who everyone went to when they had nowhere else to turn. There was one last resort, and he lived close by.


The Dark One's mansion was only about a day's walk away from Kaelin's village. If she left early in the morning, she could go there, get help from him, and return by the following morning.

But Kaelin was scared to seek help from Rumpelstiltskin. Every time he gave someone his aid, he made a deal with them. His deals were infamous. Everyone who struck a deal with Rumpelstiltskin ended up worse in the end.

Maybe Kaelin wouldn't make a deal with him. She could just go there to ask his advice. Perhaps he knew something about this mysterious illness that no one else knew. Clearly, the woman who had sold her the Mermaid-tear Elixir had been wrong about what it was.

Though she was scared, Kaelin was desperate. She decided that she would go, at least, and then decide what to do from there.

From the bed, Kaelin's mother let out a soft moan. The sound pierced Kaelin's heart. She couldn't fail at this.


At daybreak the next morning, Kaelin helped her mother to eat. Then she set up the last of their food and water on a small, low table at her bedside. She squeezed her mother's thin hand. "Mama, I'm going on a short journey, to find help for you," she said, "I'll be gone all day, but I'll be back soon, okay?"

Her mother's eyes opened slightly. They were a breathtakingly beautiful pale blue, looking like windows to heaven in her dark face. "Oh, my sweet, little girl," she murmured weakly, "Why are you doing all this for me?

"I just don't want to lose you," Kaelin replied, tears coming to her eyes again.

"Please be careful, Kaelin. Be safe," her mother begged, "Don't put yourself in danger for me. I don't want that."

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