New Studio

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Nova's POV

I slowly walked down the stairs with Dan trailing behind me.
"God, this feels like a horror game.." He murmurs to himself and since I have an overactive imagination, I started thinking of monsters in the dark. I quickly reached back and grabbed Dans hand, now extremely scared.
"M-maybe this not good idea." I whimper slightly, backing up into Dan. He puts his hands on my sides and pushes me gently behind him.
"We're almost to the bottom. I'll lead if you want." I could tell he was scared, but he was sweet enough to go in front. He's still holding my hand as we walk down the last of the stairs. At the bottom, there's a light switch. He flips it on and we both let out a sigh of relief.
There's also a closed door at the bottom. Dan opens it and feels the wall for another light switch. He finds one and we both scream at what's waiting for us inside.

Arin comes running down the lit staircase to find us laughing hysterically.
"What the hell happened? We heard a scream!" He looks at us. We look up at him and laugh harder. Finally, Dan composes himself.
"W-we were walking down these stairs and there wasn't a light switch at the top so we were w-walking in the dark. When we got to the bottom, we found a switch and a door. I opened the door and we saw our reflections in the mirror. We were scared, so we screamed!" He started laughing again. Arin looked at me giggling and I just shrugged.
"You scared us nearly to death for a reflection?" Arin asks, hitting Dans arm. This only makes Dan laugh more. His laugh is so infectious, Arin and I start laughing. Soon, Arin goes back upstairs to finish his and Ross' "Steam Train" episode. Dan and I compose ourselves and walk into the room. My eyes widen at the beauty. One wall was all mirrors and it had outlets. And it was so BIG!(that's what she said XD)
"This is perfect!" I smiled widely as I walked around the room.
"So what are you gunna use it for?" Dan asks me.
"I gunna practice my dancing. I just gotta get a stereo.. Maybe I could live here, if I just get a couch and some blanket." When I say that, Dan gets a lonely and sad look in his eyes.
"What, you don't wanna stay with us?" He tries to joke. I smile.
"I kid, Dan." I turn to him." I just need a stereo or some speakers. Maybe I could even give you guys some lessons." He smiles at me and we head back upstairs.
We were quiet the rest of the day. That gave me time to think. About how they took me in. About their show. Mostly I just thought about Danny, sitting across from me. He was handsome, kind and caring. I think I like him. Then a question pops into my mind. Does he like me?

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