Saying Hello

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Nova's POV

Larry and Laurent helped me pack my bags the next morning. Since I had a lot of friends who work for an airline, they got me a ticket on the next flight to New York. I grabbed a random outfit from the pile and went to get changed.
When I walked back out, Larry and Lau were done packing and waiting for me, tears streaming down their cheeks.
"What wrong, guys?" I walk over to them. When I get close to them, they scoop me up in a group bear hug. I start to tear up.
"We gunna miss you, Novie. You our little sis." They say in unison, sobbing into my shoulders.
"I know. But I can non stay here anymore. Not with Shane here." Tears slip out of the corners of my eyes and I hug them tightly. We stay like that until my phone starts to ring. I pick it up and answer." Bonjour?" I sniffle.
"C'mon, girly, the plane leaves in an hour and I can't distract the the pilot forever!" My American friend, Alice, says. She's a stewardess on the plane I'm riding today.
"Alright. I be there soon." I say, grabbing my skateboard and backpack full of clothes. The airport is only a few blocks away. Lots of noise. I break away from my brothers and heard out the door. They said they would walk with me but Shane wouldn't keep searching for me.

(One boring penny board ride and two flights later)

I woke up as I finally landed in LAX. Kevin and Barry should be here by now. I see them and Barry runs over, hugging me tightly.
"Are you okay? Your brothers told us everything that happened while you were on the plane." Kevin told me as we walked over.
"I okii. So, to the office or no?" I ask.
"Actually we have a panel going on right now. It's about 2 hours away from here, with LA traffic." Barry said, looking at me.
"Alright then let's go." I get on my board and grab Barry's shoulder to stay next to them. I can't wait to see Danny.

Danny's POV

We're already two hours into the panel and there's a couple hundred people in here, more outside watching on some really big TVs. I had tried to avoid answering any questions because if I did, something about Nova always slipped out. Then we heard cheering from the crowd and a spotlight moved to land on Barry and Kevin. They were watching the side of the room though. I followed their eyes and saw a puff of green hair moving quickly towards the right ramp. I got up so fast that my chair knocked over, making everyone laugh and think I was really excited to see Kevin and Barry. I was but there was someone else I wanted to see more.

(Back to Nova)

I quickly skated over to the side ramp before the spotlight hit Kevin and Barry. I had to see him. There was a gate in my way, so I jumped over it and ran up the ramp and met Danny on the stage behind Ross. He hugged me tightly and crashed our lips together. I could tell he was waiting for this as much as I have. A gasp went through the crowd and then they started cheering and clapping. We kissed for two minutes before Arin cleared his throat into the mic.
"Alright, lovebirds, we get it. You missed each other. Now let's get back to the panel." He chuckled and Ross laughed. A security guard brought me my penny board, a mic and a chair. I set it up next to Dan and sat down.
"I guess we have a surprise guest on our panel today. Everybody, welcome Nova Bourgeois! Formerly known as Wisteria on our French guest grumps episodes." Suzy said into the mic and everybody cheered. I grinned.
"Salut, lovelies!" I greeted them through the mic. Danny intertwined our fingers while holding my hand on the table. I saw Arin do the same with Suzy.
"Alright, let's continue with our Q and A." Ross grumbled. A fan walked up to the center mic and looked at Dan.
"Are you and Nova dating?" She asked. She was about 13 and wear a Ninja Sex Party tshirt. I felt Danny put his arm around my shoulders.
"Abso-fucking-lutely. She's my supernova." He grinned widely and she giggled. The next fan walked up.
"First of all, that is adorable. And secondly, I have a question for Ross..."

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