Kiyoshi Teppei:Suicide Lover

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Hello guys! I just first want to say I'm sorry for the late update >_< School is literally tomorrow and I had lots of work to be done to be ready. Anyways, it's better late than never, right? Sooooo, this one shot is about the big teddy bear. Like the title says, this one is about suicide and my personal experience about the whole problem; and there will be cussing and such. So if you are sensitive about this subject, don't read on! Anyways, hope you guys enjoy!
Your POV
'Why did you raise this piece of shit'
'She is a show-off'
         These words and phrases and said towards me day to day since I could remember. My parents are on the verge of killing each other. My "classmates" are saying things behind my back, even making rumors. I have been thinking of suicide since I was only five years old because of my dad. He has been abusing my mom and I; it's hard to hear it everyday since then. He hurts me just because I look like my mom and since I tend to follow her more.(ikr stupid reason to get beat up, but this world is not all for the smart, am I right?). My so called classmates and friends make up shit about me and some of them don't even know me. People just want to get the latest details, even though it's none of their bloody fucking business. However, the build-up was to much with the yelling, hitting, etc. I started cutting myself, but only light cuts and around areas that are always covered up with clothing. I could never show these signs of abuse to my boyfriend, Kiyoshi Teppei. He has a reputation of being around well mannered people because of his bubbly personality. Yet one day, I had the courage to face him and tell him what is going on behind closed doors.
~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~
           "Teppei, may I talk to you after basketball practice? It's kind of important." I arrived to Kiyoshi's class since I am only a freshman and he is in his third year class. "Sure,(Y/N)." His smile gave me more reassurance that he will support anything that I am going to tell him. This is just one of the reasons why I love him. He just knows what to do to unconsciously.
~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~
Kiyoshi's POV 
                    (Y/N) told me to wait for her in the gym after basketball practice to tell me something. I told Riko I would lock up the gym afterwards and handed me the keys. (Y/N) came through the gym doors and walked up to me. "Teppei, I am going to show you something," she whispered to me in her silky voice. I nodded to her and look at her pulling up her shirt. I blushed a little and was about to tell her to cover up(dirty mind~), but what I saw was horrific. Slash marks, bruises, and just signs of abuse around her abdomen." (Y/N)! Are you okay? Who did this to you?!" I was frantically looking at her and she became nervous because she began to cry and her body shook. I lowered me voice and hugged her but not to tightly, for the fear of hurting her. She began to sob on my shoulder. At that moment, I couldn't care less of how there would be a wet spot on my shirt. (Y/N) is my main priority. I holder her until she stopped crying a bit enough to tell me what is happening. She told me about her abusive father, her fake friends, her self- harming, and her suicidal thoughts. To think that this girl is the happiest girl in the world, yet her body is covered in bruises. In my eyes, she is still beautiful. "(Y/N), look at me. You are the most beautiful girl in the world. You are the definition of perfection and you never showed me that you are not happy. I will always love you and I am going to show you all my affection to you, no matter how small it is, I'll be there when you can't handle it anymore. I'll be your rock and I will love you like the day I asked you to be mine." After my declaration of love to (Y/N), she began to tear up and said what gave me the strength to protect her for the rest of her life from harms way.
"Thank you, Kiyoshi for everything. I love you until eternity."
Hope you guys enjoy! This was a little hard to write since it is true that I had a father like that and suicide was a thought that I always had. However, I didn't have a boyfriend like Kiyoshi :(. But what I had was true friends that were there for me. They were my rock to go on with my life and told me to live on. So if you guys are going through the same things, I want to tell you that I have been there. You have people that worry about you and love you. Don't throw it all away because some shitty people are ruining your life. Remember you have more positives than negatives in your life, like waking up today. Remember that you are loved.

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