Himuro Tatsuya: Long Distance Relationship

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Thanxx to you guys for 100+ reads:)!!! I really appreciate the love and support you guys have for me and my work. Through these one-shots, hopefully I will improve how I write to interpret the characters and the readers. So once again thank you guys! I appreciate every read, vote,and comment<3
Your POV
           Tatsuya and I have been in a far distance relationship since he moved to Japan to pursue after Taiga. I missed him from day one when he left. He left only saying that he would visit me and chat online. It was nice at first, but I miss the physical contact that I want from Tatsuya. I feel alone, even we talk to each other everyday. He said he will visit one day, but I want him with me now. I know selfish, right? But I love him with all my heart since we were kids. However, one day he came for me in America.
~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~
           There was a soft knock on the door on a early Saturday morning. My parents went to an anniversary vacation, so that left me alone in the house(I mean who would be complaining really?^^). Thinking it is a robber, I had a bat ready for any butt whooping. I walked toward the door slowly, and my hands were holding the bat in a ready position to smack the sweet buttery Jesus out of the person. However, the person standing in front was Tatsuya! "Tatsuya!" I practically dropped my bat from my hand and jumped into his arms. He squeezed me in his warm embrace and moved his head into my neck to sniff my scent. I could feel his tears wetting my neck to my shirt, but I could care less because I was crying as well."(Y/N)-chan... I miss you" he looked up at me and gave a passionate kiss. The kiss was telling me how he missed me and how much he loved me. A single kiss, shared from Tatsuya and I, told each other our feelings for each other. He looked into my eyes and wouldn't dare to break eye contact. "(Y/N)-chan, I love you so much and I'm sorry it took awhile for me to visit you. But we have this whole two
weeks to spend time together. So what to you want to do today?" I thought for a minute and thought of a perfect idea what to do for today. " Tatsuya, I have a perfect idea." "And what would that be?" asked with a cute tilt of his head. I chuckled at his simple cute action. "Let's just cuddle and stay home for today." He smiled at the idea and wrapped his arms around me, leading me into the house, to share the simple times we had together.
        A far distance relationship is difficult and contains many risks and challenges. However, if you put the time and work, then it isn't so bad. The reward of seeing your loved one is really the best~
Thank you guys once again and I appreciate the love. Make sure to either comment or message me any requests! Thank you guys and I love you guys!^^

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